
consistence n.1.無矛盾,相容(性);始終一貫;穩定(性);(言行...


The progress of glebe system is attached to land developing conditions , advancedly , determined the sustainable development and consistence of rural economic 土地制度的完善與否,直接決定著土地資源的利用狀況,并進而關系到農村經濟的持續發展和農村社會的穩定。

Minimizing the use of energy and resources and reducing the generation of wastes by promoting effective and efficient reduction method , consistence with best practice ; and 推廣使用最有效和最具成效的節省資源方法,來減低使用能源和資源及減少制造廢物;以及

Minimizing the use of energy and resources and reducing the generation of wastes by promoting effective and efficient reduction method , consistence with best practice ; and 推廣使用最有效和最具成效的節省資源方法,來減低使用能源和資源及減少制造廢物以及

In the deep processing of large - scale corpus , it has been a chief problem to assure the consistence of part of speech tagging to build the high - quantity corpus 摘要在對大規模語料庫進行深加工時,保證詞性標注的一致性已成為建設高質量語料庫的首要問題。

Therefore the key of the recognition of the receivers lies in finding and founding the consistence of the orientations and values between the hosts and the receivers 因而,受眾認同的關鍵就在于:尋求和建立主持人與受眾之間目標與價值的一致關系。

The thesis thoroughly discusses the design and optimization of dbms and file system , integrality and consistence of the data and data redundancy 文中對數據庫與文件系統的設計與優化、數據的完整性與一致性、數據冗余的處理等問題作了詳細的論述。

In this ideal model , the core variable is security interests . all the five aspects center on the conflict and consistence of security interests 無論是合作的假設、形式,還是合作的目標、原則和途徑,都是圍繞著安全利益的沖突和一致展開的。

Christianity and science had inherent consistence . to some extent , modern science was bred by christianity , so as to develop slowly 因為基督教與科學不但具有內在一致性,而且近代科學在很大程度上是由基督教孕育而成長起來的。

Methods of test for mortar for masonry - part 3 : determination of consistence of fresh mortar by flow table includes amendment a1 : 2004 ; german version en 1015 - 3 : 1999 a1 : 2004 圬工灰漿的試驗方法.第3部分:根據流量表測定新凝砂漿

The algorithm ensured the consistence with the actual engineering situation , and the practicability and the programmable capacity were greatly improved 保證了算法同工程實際的一致性,提高了其實際應用和軟件編程能力。

So it not only can give users a free hand to decide how to schedule in local , but also ensure consistence and administrable in the grid 這樣既保證了下層資源對調度擁有自主權,同時,又保證了全網格的一致性和可管理性。

The results show that there is a obvious 2 - 7 years cycle in consistence with the enso cycle as well as the decadal cycle 指出,全球陸地9 - 11月及各月降水序列有明顯的與2 - 7年enso周期相吻合的變化周期,也有年代際變化。

The prominent merit of this algorithm is that it can adjust the threshold automatic and satisfy the consistence degree requested 此算法的一個最大優點是能自動調整離散化過程中的閾值,且能達到所要求的決策表相容度。

We found that the time series contains the obvious 2 - 7 years cycle in consistence with the enso cycle as well as the decadal cycle 指出全球降水序列中有明顯的與2 - 7年enso周期相吻合的變化周期,也有年代際的變化。

The paper takes semantic integration in information query as an example to propose an improved semantic consistence maintenance model 論文以信息查詢中的語義集成為例,提出一個改進的信息語義維護模型。

Methods of test for mortar for masonry - part 4 : determination of consistence of fresh mortar by plunger penetration ; german version en 1015 - 4 : 1998 圬工灰漿試驗方法.第4部分:用滲透器測定新鮮灰漿粘度

The time series contains the obvious 2 - 7 years cycle in consistence with the enso cycle as well as the decadal cycle 全球陸地降水序列中有明顯與2 - 7年enso周期相吻合的變化周期,也有年代際的周期變化。

2 . the consistence of reaction of dual channels sensor to the bio - reaction was measured with two indexes : phase and frequency 2 .分別以相位、頻率兩個指標檢測傳感器液相檢測反應的一致性。

Its size is in consistence with our current c65 circuit breaker , which makes it more beautiful when mounted together in a panel 48小時的交貨期,和我們親密的朋友們拉進了距離。