
consigner n.交付者,委托者;發貨人,托運人,托銷的貨主。


Second chapter : describe the operating process of empty container allocation system and analyze its main characters , detect the essential factors which mostly affect the system , make qualitative analysis , enactment and judgement of the main purposes - minimum cost and consigner ' s satisfaction ? f the empty container allocation system 第二章:對集裝箱空箱分派系統的運作過程進行了描述,分析其特點,并找出其中起決定作用的關鍵要素,對空箱分派系統的主要目標? ?船公司收益和托運人滿意度進行了定性分析、設定和評判。

Iso14000 standards define it as : “ it is the systematized course of obtaining and appraising the evidence of audit objectively , or whether the information about items described above accord with the criterions , and forming the file for verification , including reporting the results of this course to the consigners to help them judge particular environmental activity , station and management system , etc . . Iso14000標準將其定義為: “客觀地獲取審核證據并予以評價,以判斷特定的環境活動、事件、狀況、管理體系,或有關上述事項的信息是否符合審核準則的一個系統化并形成文件的驗證過程,包括將這一過程的結果呈報給委托方。 ”

Subsequently , the author illustrates the status quo and influences of corporate credit imperfection in the marketing , and probes the causes and reasons that are the existence of asymmetry information , incomplete contracts and finite ration ; imperfect relationship between the consigner and the entrusted and immaturity ethics of corporate credit 隨后作者對市場營銷中企業信用缺失的現狀、影響進行分析,探尋信用缺失的原因為信息不對稱和不完全契約的存在;委托代理關系不明確導致企業信用結構失衡以及企業信用道德建設的不完備。

Risk and cost of surrogate emerge according to the situations . so it is necessary to constitute standardized supervision & control mechanism . corporate governance is the appropriate one to realize the balance of power so as to ensure consigner ' s rights and interests , and to guarantee the efficiency and the effect of prosecution 然而,委托人和代理人之間的信息不對稱、契約不完全和責任不對等,會影響經營效率和效果,代理風險和代理成本應運而生,為此需要在契約關系內部構建規范化、制度化的監督和控制機制? ?公司治理結構來實現對權力的制衡,確保委托人的權益并保證經營效果。

Last the document does a primary reasoning for this project from the aspect of marketing , investment management and venture management , and thereby draws out a conclusion that chongqing fiesta harbor project is a promising one of great development the consigners have accepted this project document and expressed their intention to invest necessary resources in further work on this project in line with this document 我們認為重慶假日港灣項目是一個好項目,有開發的價值。本計劃書得到委托方的認同。他們表示將投入必要的資源按照本計劃書的規劃對項目進行進一步的深入工作。

Stic is the separation of the ownership and the right of management , and the relationship between the owner and the operator is consigner and deputy . because it has large amount of shareholders , the relation between persons who are correlated with the interests become more complicated , the dilemma of corporate governance exists almost all companies 股份公司的一個主要特點就是公司的所有權利經營權相分離,所有者與經營者之間是“委托? ?代理”的關系,股份公司的股東數量很多,公司的不同利益相關者之間的關系變得復雜化,公司治理的問題也就產生了。

One way is to design a deputizing contract with reason which definitely defines deputy ' s duties and rights and inspirit and restrict deputy ' s deeds to reduce the opportunism behavior of agent . so the targets of agent could be nearer to that of consigner 一是通過合理設武漢理工大學碩士學位論文一計代理契約,明確界定代理人的責任、權利和義務,并給予代理人最佳的行一為激勵和約束,使代理人的行為目標與委托人的目標接近,減少代理人的機會主義行為。

He may not realize consigner ' s income maximization automatically and may even cause loss of consigner ' s income basing on the motive of opportunism when he maximizes his own utility . that is the deputizing risk in administrative theory 這樣,有著獨立利益的代理人在自身利益最大化的過程中,不會自動實現委托人收益的最大化,甚至基于機會主義動機,在最大限度增進自己利益的同時,可能造成委托人利益的損失,形成管理理論的代理風險問題。

According to the different aims of the consigner ' s cross - country trade and transnational investment and combining with the industry traits and the relevant countries ' tax rules and international systems , our law office will seek the proper taxpaying scheme for our consigners 根據委托人跨境貿易、跨國投資等不同目的,結合委托人的行業特點及相關國家的稅收制度和國際稅收體制,為委托人尋找稅負最輕,風險最低的納稅方案。

Third party logistic ( 3pl ) called indentured logistic in the west , appears in our country these years . we can consider the 3pl as a logistics form , namely , special enterprise neither consigner nor consignee carries on the enterprise logistics 第三方物流在國外也稱契約物流,近幾年才傳到我國,簡單理解就是指由與貨物有關的發貨人和收貨人之外的專業企業,即第三方來承擔企業物流活動的一種物流形態。

Article 12 when consigning psycho pharmaceuticals , the production unit or the supply unit must fill out the full name of the drug on the parcel form , and stamp , in the space for the consigner , a special seal for psychotropic drugs 第十二條生產單位和供應單位托運精神藥品(包括郵寄) ,應當在貨物的運單上,寫明該精神藥品的具體名稱,并在發貨人記事欄內加蓋“精神藥品專用章” ,憑此辦理運輸手續。

The party who can actively design the agreement is called consigner and the other party is called deputy who can only passively “ accept or refuse the agreement 在這一契約關系中,人們將能夠主動設計契約形式的當事人稱為委托人,而將被動地接受或拒絕契約形式中進行選擇的當事人稱為代理人。

This shows that the orientation of die auditing appointment right of chinese fisted companies is wrong . it is not appropriate that simply making the owners as die auditing consigner 這表明目前我國上市公司審計委托權定位是錯誤的,簡單的以所有者作審計委托人不合適。

4 . 1 . 1 . 3 when the applicant is consigned by others , they should sign a contract with the consigner concerning certification , testing , initial factory inspection and follow - up inspection , etc . 受理申請產品認證部受理人員,根據認證實施規則的要求和申請人提交的申請書,

Well operated mediacy credit was beneficial to merchants ' successful management , and imperfection in mediacy credit might injured the economic interests of consigner 居間信用的良性運轉有利于商人的成功經營,居間信用的缺失對委托者的經濟利益構成侵害。

Consigners owning capital and wealth consign deputies for income maximization . otherwise deputies pursue utility optimization of themselves 一方面作為擁有資本財貨的委托人之所以委托代理人,是因為追求收益的最大化。

To offer the services agreed in the contract for the consigner , safeguard the consigner ' s legitimate rights and interests (二)為委托方提供合同約定的監理服務,維護委托方的合法權益。

The owner or consigner shall pay the freight and average and all other lawful charges accruing on said property 貨主或收貨人應當支付運費,海損費以及就上述貨物所發生的一切其他費用

Remark if don t fill in the company which pay storehouse charge our company collect charge from consigner 備注:如倉儲費收取單位未填寫,我司則向委托人收取。