
consignation n.交付,委托;寄存。 to the consignat...


At present , in the proceeding of travel team ’ s accounts process , the hair regiment agencys appear many problems in proceed funds consignation connect with the regiment agencys , that result as the connect regiment agency ca n ' t get hold of the funds or ca n ' t get hold of from the hair regiment agency on time . so it influences the total development of the travel industry 當前,在進行旅游團隊資金結算過程中,發團社和接團社在進行資金交付的時候,出現許多不盡人意的地方,造成接團社等不能按時從發團社拿到資金或無法拿到,從而影響旅游業的總體發展。

So it is considered that the theory of the way to expand reproduction based on scale benefit theory , property right theory of system - economics , exchange expense theory and consignation substitution theory are theoretical bases of system innovation of macro universities . and resource sharing , deploying , recomposing theories are its theoretical support 論文首先對巨型大學組織變革理論進行了梳理,認為90年代以來關于擴大規模,提高效益,走內涵發展的政策;制度經濟學的產權理論、交易費用理論、委托代理理論;以及資源共享、資源配置、資源重組理論等是巨型大學形成的理論基礎。

Testing field : manufacture license testing , pattern examination and consignation testing of food - use plastic package and container products , voluntary products certification testing arranged by authentication organizations , testing for photo - degradation products , testing for other plastic packaging and relevant products 承檢范圍:食品用塑料包裝、容器、工具等制品生產許可發證檢驗、型式檢驗和委托檢驗;各認證機構委托的自愿性產品認證檢驗;降解產品(光降解)檢驗;其他塑料包裝產品及相關產品檢驗等。

In terms of movable property , the exceptions include retention of title , proprietary security , mortgage of movable property and especially the consignation in notion ( indirect possession ) . however , this part primarily testifies that consignation in notion ( indirect possession ) is different from the others in nature , because only consignation in notion ( indirect possession ) constitutes a probable threat to the publicity principle , while the other three are really special exceptions 在動產,例外包括所有權保留、讓與擔保、動產抵押、觀念交付(間接占有) ,本部分初步論證了觀念交付(間接占有)雖與所有權保留、讓與擔保、動產抵押同為動產公示原則的例外,卻有本質的差異,因為只有觀念交付(間接占有)對公示原則而言可能具有顛覆性,而另外三個真的是個別的例外而已。

The origin of the fund - management stimulating problem is that the standard of rational agent ’ s activities is utility maximum . but , in the reality , the fund investor and the fund administrator are a kind of consignation and there is information asymmetry . the fund investor ( principle ) wants to make the fund administrator ( agent ) act according to the benefits of the former , but the investor ca n ' t observe the investment activity of the administrator directly and in time . he can only observe other variables which are decided by the administrator ’ s activity and other outside uncertain factors 基金激勵問題產生的根源在于理性人的行動都以自身效用或利益最大化為標準,但在現實中,基金投資者與基金管理者是一種委托代理關系且兩者之間存在著信息不對稱,基金投資者(委托人)想使基金管理人(代理人)按照前者的利益選擇行動,但投資者不能直接及時地觀察管理人的投資行動,他能觀察到的只是另一些指標變量,這些變量由管理人的行動和其他外生隨機因素共同決定。

Firstly , the part reveals the flaw in value if the doctrine is applied to movable property - not only confining autonomy of private law , but also sacrificing the efficiency of transaction . it reveals that formalism creates a concept of consignation in notion just to defend its tradition and avoid the flaw in value , and thereafter preserve the lie that the doctrine of publicity applies to both movable and unmovable property perfectly in form 首先,該部分揭示了如在動產領域奉行公示原則會產生的價值缺陷? ?不僅僅限制了私法自治,還犧牲了交易的效率;揭露了形式主義理論為避免價值缺陷而又能固守自己的傳統而臆造觀念交付概念,以維持公示原則對動產和不動產在表面上完整適用的謊言。

The construction engineering supervision corporation set up supervision organization under the leading of state plan and development commission and the ministry of construction , and according as the national law , the administrative rule and executive branch regulation , the building plan and programming approved by the government , project document , and contract for construction projects , local legislation and regulations etc . the organization carried on cost control , quality control and time control , managed according as the contract of consignation supervision , and harmonized the relationship between each correlative unite according to certain procedure and within the national compulsive supervision , to guarantee the supervision work progressing smoothly 本文就此問題進行了比較深入的探討,在闡述了建設工程監理法律制度的基本概念和具體內容的基礎上,對國外建設工程監理法律制度進行研究,并分析了我國現行建設工程監理法律制度中存在的問題和缺陷,對我國建設工程監理立法的完善提出了積極的建議,以促使我國的建設工程監理工作順利開展,并逐步向工程項目管理發展,加快與國際接軌的步伐。

In conclusion , the design of financial supervision system over stock ownership by enterprise group will help establish normative and accord with corporation managing structure of modern enterprise system . the formation of restriction system for consignation and agency is essential to carry out tasks of inspiration , restriction and supervision , and to ensure the interests of funds provider , operator and stakeholder , and to guarantee the development of company in a standard , good order , and health and permanence manner 總之,通過對企業集團股權投資財務監控體系的設計,建立起規范的、符合現代企業制度的公司法人治理結構,通過委托和代理制衡機制的建立,實現有效的激勵、約束和監督,從而更好地維護出資人、經營者和其他利益相關者的利益,保證公司規范、有序、健康持久地發展。

In this part , i express my own opinions about the existing disputes in academe , that is , the way of publicity for movable property is not consignation but possession and the way of publicity for real property is not the act of registering but the state of being in registration 在此部分,本文對學界存在的爭議表達了自己的看法,主張動產物權的公示方式為占有而非交付,不動產物權的公示方式為登記的狀態而非登記行為。

The main consignation result of this item includes the system blue print , viability assessment , the need reports , system design text file , mold piece design , the system test plans , system the test reports , system install text file , the system helps the text file 本項目的主要交付成果包括系統藍圖,可行性分析,需求報告,系統設計文檔,模塊設計,系統測試計劃,系統測試報告,系統安裝文檔,系統幫助文檔。

But the key of development is system innovation . the change of organizational system is that macro university borrows exchange expense theory , property right theory , and consignation substitution theory of system economics to innovate its systems 根據制度經濟學的交易費用概念,可以解釋學校分立化的合理性,不論是用科層手段,還是用市場手段組織調節都會發生一定的交易費用。

For the sake of saving exchange expense , consignation substitution has to replace government ' s function and management of evaluation and performance replace the function of market . the guarantee of system is a condition of organizational structure readjustment 任何一個組織要想變化,都要有巨大的外力擠壓,有組織內部變革的強烈要求,有對未來的策劃能提供具有連貫性替代。

So - called exceptions such as retention of title , proprietary security , mortgage of movable property and especially the consignation in notion make me convinced that the publicity principle is not flawless at least in terms of movable property 所有權保留、讓與擔保和動產抵押,尤其是觀念交付等所謂例外現象的存在,令我相信,公示原則至少在動產上并非無懈可擊。

The main consignation in that item result includes the viability assessment , the need reports , system design text file , mold piece design , the process designs , system the test plans , system test report , the system helps the text file 該項目主要交付成果包括可行性分析,需求報告,系統設計文檔,模塊設計,流程設計,系統測試計劃,系統測試報告,系統幫助文檔。

We not only provide advance hotel booking service for our own company , but also accept the advance consignation of custumers both at home and abroad 不僅為本公司提供飯店預訂服務,還直接面對國內外客戶接受飯店預訂委托。

As to the consignation date of your order next time , we ' ll send out your demand 50 days after your earnest money arrives 關于您下次定單的交付期,我們將在收到定金后50天內發貨。

As to the consignation date of your order next time , we ' ll send out in 50 days after we receive money 關于您下次定單的交付期,我們將在收到定金后50天內發貨。

Letter on the consignation of author s graveyard in running script northern song huang tingjian 黃庭堅行楷書送四十九侄詩卷

Corporate consignation operation consultation 企業委托運營咨詢