
consign vt.1.委托,托付;【商業】托運。2.托賣,寄售,寄存...


The hard cover publications are consigned to the most remote areas of the library , where they just gather dust 這些精裝書被發配到圖書館最偏僻的角落里,招來滿身灰塵。

I might have been consigned to his oblivion , or might not , but i would bear him in mind and always 我終于來到親生母親的家了,但是她不肯見我,傭人說她已經不住這里了。

I might have been consigned to his oblivion , or might not , but i would bear him in mind and always 我不知道他有沒有因為我而記住那一分鐘,但我一直都記住這個人。

Deposits with , or consigns to , any person for the purpose of sale or of preparation for sale , 為將食物或藥物出售或配制以供出售而將其交付某人存放或向某人托付,

The maximum compensation for any damage or loss of consigned luggage or parcel is hk $ 450 per piece 托運行李或包裹如有損毀或遺失,最高賠償額為每件港幣450元。

Part b consign part a carry its fashion cargo from ningbo china to moscow russia 1乙方委托甲方承運自中國寧波至俄羅斯莫斯科的的服裝貨物國際運輸代理業務。

Bought house is period room , next year consign , think now a renown give up , ok ? how to change 買的房子是期房,明年交付,現想把戶名改掉,可以吧?怎么改?

He claims that companies based on rigid hierarchy will be consigned to the dustbin of history 他宣稱,以僵化的層級關系為基礎的企業將進入歷史的垃圾堆。

Refer to meeting notice for detailed information of meeting reception , accommodation , and exhibit consign 會務接待、住宿、展品托運等請見《會務通知》 。

After consign is used , when if be put to building quality , having doubt , if why are this handled 交付使用后,如對房屋質量存有疑問時,該如何處理?

Agreed . and andrew speedy , seizing the bank - notes , counted them and consigned them to his pocket 安鳩斯皮蒂抓起那一疊鈔票數了一下,裝進了口袋。

Estelow ' s record was destroyed and the two bodies consigned to the depths of a mountain lake 他們毀了艾斯特洛的日記。兩個尸體? ]沉在山上的湖里。

Importing and consigning of smokeless tobacco products are prohibited to protect public health 為保障公眾健康,無煙煙草產品是禁止進口及托運。

Make sure it is a consigned shipment going in on a temporary import . not a permanent bond 請問客戶這樣說具體是什么原因,暫時的進口不用繳稅嗎

We now consign the following , per m . s . america maru , which sail today from here 我們現將下列委托品裝上“美國”號貨輪,該船今天從這里啟航。

For tobacco and alcohol products manufactured on consignment basis : the consigned manufacturer 二委托代制之菸酒,為受托之產制廠商。

If i am uncertain whether the goods i consign is dangerous goods , what shall i do 如果我不清楚托運的貨品是否屬于危險品,我應怎樣做

The adjustment of usa commercial law is the symbol of the consigning - acting mechanism 美國對商法的高速,標志著委托代理機制的確立。

The cargo consigned by him will not contain any explosive or incendiary device ; and 他所托運的貨物沒有藏有任何爆炸品或引爆裝置