
consideration n.1.考慮,考察;討論,商量。2.照顧,關心;體諒,體...


From the equity theory of pay arises a fourth consideration . 從薪金等同理論而導出了第四個應該考慮的問題。

I always take fuel consumption into consideration when buying a car . 我買汽車時總要把燃油消耗量考慮在內。

Nixon accepted the primacy of foreign policy considerations . 尼克松承認應當把對外政策的考慮放在第一位。

“you're not to take that into consideration at all,“ said jowl . “這一點絕對用不著你來顧慮,”兆爾說。

He puts his children 's welfare before all other considerations . 他把子女的幸福放在所有其他考慮都之前。

She was a person of consideration among the girl's people . 她在那位姑娘的親屬中間是一個有分量的人。

The form, however, is suggested by physical considerations . 然而這樣的形式是從物理學的角度提出的。

Some of the important considerations are summarized below . 下面將就一些較重要問題作些扼要地敘述。

A fundamental of good behaviour is consideration for other people . 良好行為的原則之一是體諒別人。

Considerations like those above also apply to the firing of a rifle . 如上的討論也適用于槍的射擊。

She will be grateful for your consideration in calling her . 她會為你小心周到打電話給她而感激你。

They have remitted consideration of the matter till next session . 他們將此事推遲到下屆會議考慮。

The first consideration in selecting a buffer is ph value . 在選擇緩沖劑時第一考慮是它的pH值。

He has never shown much consideration for his wife 's feelings . 他從來不大顧及他妻子的感情。

Moral considerations alone incited his rebellion . 他這種反叛行為完全是由精神上的因素造成的。

They shelve the letters and do not give them due consideration . 他們把信件壓起來,不加處理。

There remained for consideration merely the question of the explosive . 剩下來的是火藥問題。

The same kind of considerations hold for sex and gender . 上述情況同樣適用于性別和名詞的性。

We should always take the interests of the country into consideration . 應該處處替國家設想。