
considerable adj.1.該注意的,應考慮的,不可忽視的,重要的。2....


Though it was not yet noon , there was considerable patronage . 雖然時間未到中午,店中已有許多顧客惠顧。

Pug had used considerable severity to cure byron of that habit . 帕格曾相當嚴厲地糾正過拜倫的這個習慣。

Fruit processing will no doubt undergo considerable future expansion . 毫無疑問,果品加工也將大大發展。

He has made considerable progress in his studies at the university . 他在大學的學業上有了長足的進展。

He impressed me as a man of considerable depth of feeling . 他在我的印象中是一個有相當深邃感情的人。

The newspapers are giving the affair considerable prominence . 各報都以相當顯著的地位報道了那件事。

The second world war caused considerable disruptions to life . 第二次世界大戰破壞了人們的正常生活。

The heritability of most phenological characters is considerable . 大部分物候特征的遺傳力都相當強。

From the outset these researches caused a considerable stir . 這些研究從一開始就造成了巨大的轟動。

Considerable residual stresses exist in the normal direction . 在其厚度方向存在著可觀的殘余應力。

He had proved the existence features of considerable magnitude . 他還證實了相當多水下特征的存在。

He began to explain with the most considerable eagerness . 他開始解釋,顯得鄭重其事,又萬分熱誠。

Holmes sat up in his chair with considerable excitement . 福爾摩斯十分興奮地在椅子上挺直了身子。

The losses are considerable . 損失可觀。

As usual, he took considerable pains over his journal . 象往常一樣,他寫日記總要花費不少腦筋。

The total sum is considerable . 為數甚巨。

Magnus glanced at his son in considerable surprise . 曼克奈斯朝他兒子瞥了一眼,著實吃了一驚。

Man's effect on the sulfur cycle has been considerable . 人類對硫循環的影響一直是很可觀的。

She put down the eggs and bacon with considerable emphasis . 她把一盒咸肉燒蛋使勁往下一放。