
conservatory adj.1.(有)保存(力)的。2.保管人的。n.1.(...


Katja lytting received vocal training in her native sweden , and continued her studies in the conservatory in bologna 嘉蒂雅列婷在祖國瑞典初習聲樂,再到意大利博洛尼亞音樂學院進修。

I was born in boston , massachusetts , where i studied at the new england conservatory preparatory division 我出生在波士頓的massachusetts ,我在那里的新英格蘭音樂學校預備班學習。

The prince walked through the conservatories , the servants quarters , and the out - buildings , frowning and silent 老公爵走到暖房,之后又走到下房和木房,他蹙起額角,沉默不言。

Shanghai conservatory of music - the associated board of shanghai conservatory of music chinese instruments 15 . 07 . 2006 上海音樂學院-上海音樂學院試中國樂器15 . 07 . 2006

Three years later , he reached the superior level of the lausanne conservatory in brigitte meyer ' s class 三年后,他在洛桑音樂學院布里吉特?梅耶大師班中達得高級水平。

Professional group of students in the middle schools attached to music conservatories . amateurs are also allowed ) (音樂藝術院校附中專業組,允許業余選手報名參賽。

Professional group of students in the middle schools attached to music conservatories . amateurs are also allowed (音樂藝術院校附中專業組,允許業余選手報名參賽。

Mother christina fulton , actress . education : american conservatory theatre in san francisco , ca acting 生命中最重要的女人:母親妻子前女友兒子weston的媽媽

Skylight and conservatory roller shutters - resistance to snow load - test method ; german version en 12833 : 2001 天窗和溫室滾卷遮板.耐雪載荷性.試驗方法

For over 20 years she was a faculty member and examiner of the royal conservatory of music in toronto 二十余年間曾任教于多倫多音樂學院,并且是考官。

Tell him everything from his conservatories is to be brought here , and is to be packed in felt 對他說,用氈子把暖房的花統統包好,運到這里來。

Succession and advance of tang dynasty ' s frontier fortress poetry to official conservatory in han dynasty 唐邊塞詩對漢樂府邊塞詩的繼承和發展

When we arrived at the conservatory , we heard sounds of music in their compound everywhere 20日那天,二姐借了一輛白色的捷達車來接我。

An interview with mr . chen hong , former dean of the shanghai national conservatory of music 追憶前上海國立音樂專科學校教務主任陳洪先生

The conservatory was an afterthought , added on to the building several years later 那暖房是事后想法,在那棟建筑物幾年之后增加的。

Thoughts after comrade li lanqing ' s visit and discussion in sichaun conservatory of music 李嵐清同志視察川音并與有關專家座談后記

Skylight and conservatory roller shutters - resistance to snow load - test method 天窗和溫室滾動百葉窗.抗雪荷載性.試驗方法

The macau conservatory 澳門國際音樂節

When natasha ran out of the drawing - room she only ran as far as the conservatory 娜塔莎步出客廳,奔馳而去,只奔至花房。