
conservator n.1.保存者,保護者;管理人;〔英國〕(河、港、森林等...


In order to successfully restore the study hall to its original appearance , the conservators removed modern materials like cement and steel , which had been added in the 1932 restoration . however , the two original parapets as well as the ancestral altar from guangzhou of the 1930 s were preserved 另外,為了使建筑物回復舊貌,修復專家一方面把一九三二年重修時所用的現代建筑物料除去,特別是水泥和鋼鐵;另一方面則保留了當年建造、甚具特色的兩幅女兒墻及從廣州訂制的神。

The transformers are in accordance with national standards gb1094 . 1 - 5 power transformer and gb t 6451 technical specifications and requirements for three phase oil - immersed power transformer . special care is taken in the choice of material , manufacture technology and construction , so that the performance can match with of the international advanced level , with low loss and high efficiency , which means substantial saving in electrical energy and low operation cost , so that it has been recommended by relevant national authority . the hermetically - sealed transformers are different from ordinary oil - immersed transformers due to without conservator 本系列產品符合國家標準gb1094 . 1 - 5電力變壓器和gb t6451三相油浸式電力變壓器技術參數和要求,本系列產品在材料,工藝,結構上采取了一系列重大改進,使產品電氣性能達到國際九十年代同類產品的先進水平,具有效率高,損耗低等特點,可節省大量的電能和運行費用,社會效益顯著,是國家推薦的新產品。

The original one is in the collection of the museo nuovo in the palazzo dei conservator , rome . according to roman legend , in the fourth century rome was founded by romulus and remus , twin sons of mars and rhea silvia , the queen of alba longa . this sculpture is the story of how the were raised by a she - wolf 傳說羅馬是戰神邁斯mars與阿爾巴隆格alba longa國王之女莉亞西維亞rhea silvia所生之孿生子:羅慕斯romulus及雷摩斯remus于西元四世紀建立,此塑像為敘述兩子由母狼哺乳長大之故事相傳兩人是建立羅馬之人。

Operating from 13 purpose equipped conservation laboratories , specialist conservators will conduct detail examination on the physical condition of objects , formulate treatment proposals , implement the treatment plans , monitor the condition of the objects after treatment , and maintain documentation records for the objects 。小組的修復專家會就著他們的專長檢視文物、設計修復工序、施工、監控文物在修復后的狀況及填寫文物記錄。

Operating from 13 purpose equipped conservation laboratories , specialist conservators will conduct detail examination on the physical condition of objects , formulate treatment proposals , implement the treatment plans , monitor the condition of the objects after treatment , and maintain documentation records for the objects 。小組的修復專家會就著他們的專長檢視文物設計修復工序施工監控文物在修復后的狀況及填寫文物記錄。

When it is found that collection items are in poor condition , collection management staff will bring the objects to the conservators to receive treatment . this is to ensure that the collection items are in good condition and ready for display in future 當發現藏品有破損,藏品管理組便會將它們交給文物修復組的人員診治,務使藏品保持良好的狀態,以便在日后的展覽中與大眾見面。

Other participants included specialist conservators from hong kong , mainland china and england . moreover , the villagers from tai po tau tsuen were actively involved and contributed their valuable comments to the restoration project 工程由辦事處及建筑署監督,參與工程者除了來自本港、內地以及英國修復專家外,大埔頭村村民代表亦積極參與其中,提出寶貴意見。

Because the blaschkas trained no apprentices and kept poor records of their techniques , rossi - wilcox has initiated high - tech analyses of the models to help guide conservators 由于布氏不曾收過學徒,也沒有把他們的技術詳細記載下來,羅西魏考克斯只好設法借重高科技來分析這些模型,以提供保存者一點方針。

“ then we took the next awful step . holding our breath , one of our conservators used tweezers and began unrolling , and another applied more moisture , without saturating it . “然后我們進行了可怕的步驟。我們屏住呼吸,其中一位管理員開始用鑷子把它們解開,另一位就把它弄得更潮濕,但沒有把它浸透。 ”

Demand for canadian expertise canadian visual arts professionals including curators , dealers , conservators , historians , and academics provide professional expertise internationally 加拿大藝術訣竅加拿大視覺藝術專業人士包括博物館館長、經紀人、博物館管理員、歷史學家和學者等。

Conservation is therefore a long - term commitment , which requires conservators to provide proper care for the cultural property with life - long responsibilities 作為文物修復工作者,我們愿意肩負起重責,為保存香港獨一無二的文化遺產作出長期的承擔。

Power transformer and reactor fittings - part 2 : gas and oil actuated relay for liquid immersed transformers and reactors with conservator ; amendment a1 ; german version en 50216 - 2 : 2002 a1 : 2002 電力變壓器和電抗器配件.第2部分:帶儲油箱的液浸變壓

Following severe damage in the second world war it was once again restored , using the detailed documentation prepared by earlier conservators 該城堡在二戰時期又被嚴重毀壞,但是后人根據第一次修復時留下來的詳細資料再次修復了這個文化遺產。

Power transformer and reactor fittings - part 2 : gas and oil actuated relay for liquid immersed transformers and reactors with conservator ; german version en 50216 - 2 : 2002 電力變壓器和電抗器配件.第2部分:帶油枕的液體浸沒式

Power transformer and reactor fittings - part 2 : gas and oil actuated relay for liquid immersed transformers and reactors with conservator 功率變壓器和電抗器配件.第2部分:帶存油箱的液浸式變壓器和電抗器用氣動和油動繼電器

Filling opening for immersed transformers without conservator , allowing the setting of a level indicator or a protection device . interchangeability dimensions 無存油箱有油標或保護裝置的浸油變壓器的注入孔.互換尺寸

Power transformers and reactor fittings - gas and oil actuated relay for liquid immersed transformers and reactors with conservator 電力變壓器和反應堆配件.液浸變壓器和有存油器的反應堆用氣體和油驅動的繼電器

Dr . john hurd , a specialist conservator from england , carried out conservation of the ancestral altar 此外,建筑物原有的白蟻蛀蝕以及漏水問題亦得到徹底根治。

Those involved had to uncurl the “ cigars “ whose fragility was a conservator ' s nightmare 棘手的問題就是如何展開這些“雪茄” ,手稿的脆弱性對于管理員是惡夢。