
conservative adj.1.保守的,守舊的;有保存力的。2.〔C-〕 保...


The south had entangled itself in a severely conservative countermythology inimical to creative effort . 南方糾纏于極端保守的反神話傾向,對創作活動很不利。

As happens so often in science, the more conservative possibility proved to be the correct one . 科學上往往發生這樣的情況,比較保守的可能性竟是正確的。

The fear that i may start some action is a constant check on the conservatives . 對于我可能會采取某種行動的恐懼對保守黨來說永遠是一種制約力量。

It was too bad that people of obviously more conservative tendencies were so opposed her . 顯然具有比較保守傾向的人那么反對她,是很不應當的。

Forces with the property that is independent of the path are called conservative force . 具有與路徑無關這樣一種性質的力叫做保守力。

Conservative ideas, based on history and tradition were emphasized and propagated . 基于歷史和傳統的保守思想得到了加強和宣傳。

There were loud cheers from the conservative benches, front and back . 保守黨的議員,不論前座議員還是后座議員,都發出歡呼聲。

Complete recoverability is an important aspect of the work of a conservative force . 這種完全回收性質是保守力的功的重要表現。

The conservatives were not preoccupied uniquely with economic affairs or growth . 保守派并非僅僅優先考慮經濟事務或經濟增長。

The young people are the most eager to learn and the least conservative in their thinking . 青年人最肯學習,最少保守思想。

In one dimension, any force that depends only on position is conservative . 一維運動中,凡只取決于位置的力都是保守力。

I remember being surprised by his graceful, conservative foxtrot . 我記得我當時看到他跳著優雅的老式狐步感到很詫異。

The electoral district was considered a pretty solid conservative seat . 該選區被認為是保守黨的相當穩固的陣地。

She began by paying tribute to previous leaders of the conservative party . 她首先向保守黨前任領袖們表示敬意。

Conservative elements were shocked and the moderate leaders scared . 保守派分子震驚,溫和派的領袖們也嚇慌了。

The conservative party was in opposition for the first time in years . 多年以來保守黨第一次處于反對黨的地位。

The socialists are gaining on the conservatives in the opinion polls . 民意測驗顯示社會黨已逐漸趕上保守黨。

Her speech followed the usual official conservative line at the time . 她的演說遵循著當時保守黨的一貫路線。

Conservatives resented the very fact of a soviet-american dialogue . 保守派人士對于美蘇對話這件事大為不滿。