
conservatism n.1.保守主義,守舊(性)。2.〔C-〕〔英國〕保守黨...


On xueheng school ' s modern quality and style as rational conservatism 論學衡派作為理性保守主義的現代品格

Issues concerning the cultural conservatism in the last hundred years 關于文化保守主義思潮研究的幾個問題

There is a deep - seated conservatism running through our society 我們社會中普遍存在著根深蒂固的保守思想

Re - examining the conservatism and radicalism in china ' s modern history 重新審視中國近代史上的激進與保守

New conservatism and the bush administration ' s foreign and defense policy 新保守派與布什的外交防務政策

Summary of the studies of modem cultural conservatism over recent decade 年來近代文化保守主義研究綜述

Bush ' s diplomatic strategy under the impact of new conservatism 新保守主義思潮影響下的布什外交戰略

No , man . conservatism is dead 不,老弟。保守主義已經死了。

Conservatism and radicalness : culture nationalism in new era literature 新時期文學中的文化民族主義

An survey of the study of the cultural conservatism in modern china 當代中國文化保守主義的研究述略

An analysis on american neo - conservatism 淺析美國新保守主義

On neo - conservatism in modern japan 當代日本新保守主義思潮研究

A fair comment on the historical necessity of cultural conservatism 文化保守主義的歷史必然性平議

On modern cultural conservatism in china 論現代中國文化保守主義

On d . h . lawrence ' s poetic creation : from conservatism to modernism 從保守主義到現代主義的跨越

The western humanistic tradition , neo - conservatism and the bush principle 新保守主義與布什原則

Discussion of the conservatism in new culture 試評新文化保守主義

Occidental new conservatism thoughts must be paid attention to by us 應關注西方新保守主義思潮

Briefly talking on the debate about cultural conservatism in 1990s 兼論文化保守主義的思想內核