
conservationist n.自然資源保護論者。


A swiss conservationist says a team of scientists has failed to find a rare freshwater dolphin that once swam in china ' s yangtze river , making it almost certain the animal is extinct 一名瑞士環保人士說,一個科學家小組沒能找到曾經在長江里生活的一種稀有淡水豚,因此幾乎可以肯定已經滅絕。

The recovery of a butterfly that was threatened with extinction in britain 25 years ago is providing a glimmer of hope to conservationists trying to save other species 英國環保組織保護蝴蝶協會14日公布的一項報告顯示,英國的銀斑弄蝶的數量逐漸得到了恢復,而25年前,這種蝴蝶曾一度瀕臨滅絕。

Swiss conservationist says a team of scientists has failed to find a rare freshwater dolphin that once swam in china ' s yangtze river , making it almost certain the animal is extinct 一名瑞士環保人士說,一個科學家小組沒能找到曾經在長江里生活的一種稀有淡水豚,因此幾乎可以肯定已經滅絕。

Washington - the complex science of dna analysis is now helping protect elephants by showing police and conservationists the source of black - market ivory 如今, dna分析技術已經成為了致力于大象保護工作者手中的一件新武器,人們可以通過運用此項技術來追查那些在黑市上被交易的象牙的原產地。

Thousands of walrus have appeared on alaska ' s northwest coast in what conservationists are calling a dramatic consequence of global warming melting the arctic sea ice 近日,幾千頭海象出現在美國阿拉斯加西北海岸。環境保護主義者認為,這是全球變暖導致北極海冰融化而造成的一個嚴重后果。

I worked with local conservationists ? fanuel kebede of the ethiopian wildlife conservation organization and hagos yohannes of the eritrean wildlife conservation unit 我和當地兩位保育人士一起工作,一位是衣索比亞野生動物保育組織的凱柏德,一位是厄立特里亞野生動物保育小組的約翰尼斯。

Conservationists describe the coral sea as “ a stunning blue - water highway , full of oceanic predators . “ it is a haven for hammerhead and white tip sharks , as well as manta rays 環保主義者將珊瑚海稱作“一令人驚訝的,滿是海洋食肉動物的深海大道” 。它是雙髻鯊、白鰭鯊以及鰩魚的樂土。

Conservationists nurture the american condor on a diet of stillborn dairy calves , but weaning them onto marine meat might help them survive without human help 美國的保育工作者通常以酪農牧場里死產的小牛,做為禿鷹的食物;若是讓這些禿鷹食用海鮮,說不定能幫助?們不靠人類而存活。

Most conservationists believe that humans thrive best in ecological health and that the sign of this health is the survival of a diversity of wild animals 大多數自然資源保護主義者認為,在良好的生態環境中人類最易興旺發達,而各種野生動物的生存則是這種良好生態環境的標志。

Conservationists have now hit on a similar idea : a population of endangered animals will have a better chance of survival if it is divided into interconnected groups 自然資源保護者最近偶然得出一個相似的想法:將瀕危物種的種群劃入幾個互相聯系的亞種群將增加它們的存活率。

Unesco has been overseeing a program of emergency repairs to the niches over the last few years , drawing teams of archaeologists and conservationists from all over the world 聯合國教科文組織過去幾年來,徵召全世界好幾支考古學家和保育人士密切監控緊急修復佛龕的計畫。

Conservationists hope that borneo will reveal many more secrets , despite the myriad threats to its unique flora and fauna 預計興建工廠的地方位于偏遠的高地地區,是婆羅洲許多河川的發源地;因為泥濘不堪,距離海岸遙遠而難以到達,從而保持了原始樣態。

In an attempt to stamp out poaching , the indian government is trialling a scheme that offers poachers a chance to become conservationists - and get paid for it 為了撲滅獵殺的狀況,印度政府嘗試,一個雇用獵殺者,成為保育家的計畫。

Working with timber concessions or other lease arrangements enables conservationists to avoid the problems associated with purchasing land outright 在伐木或其他類型租地上努力,讓保育人員可以避免一下子就購買整塊土地的諸多問題。

As natural habitats disappear , conservationists working on a wide range of species are looking to captive breeding as a bridge to long - term survival 天然資源保護論者找尋更多正在日漸消失的物種進行人工繁殖,試圖使他們不至絕種。

The conservationists have the upper hand , since the approval of three - quarters of the members is needed to overturn the whaling ban 自然資源保護派占據上風,因為需要全部成員中四分之三的同意,禁捕令才可以被推翻。

Conservationist tenant preferred , but extractive forestry also considered . please apply to the cameroonian minister of forestry 保育人士優先考慮,但采掘業也會考慮。良機不再( ) ,有意者請速向喀麥隆林業部申請。

The perceptions of forester and conservationist groups were different , but there was no difference within each group 研究結果顯示,森林與保育專家之間對森林經營典范認知有差異,但各自社群內成員的認知無差異。

Conservationists describe the ( coral ) sea as “ a stunning blue - water highway , full of oceanic predators . 自然資源保護論者是這樣來描述珊瑚海的:它是個非常美麗的深海大道,但到處都有海洋生物的破壞者。