
conservation n.1.保存,維持(健康),保守;保護;保護森林[河道]...

conservation plant

The bland sameness of space is at the root of both momentum conservation and angular-momentum conservation . 平淡無奇的空間一致性,既是動量守恒的根本,又是角動量守恒的根本。

In this chapter we develop the implication's of momentum conservation in the motion of a collection of particles . 在本章中,我們要揭示一個質點集體作運動時動量守恒的含義。

In 1908, president roosevelt called a conference of state governors to discuss various conservation problems . 一九八年,羅斯福總統召集了州長會議討論各種資源保護問題。

The conservation of angular momentum takes exactly the same form and has the same significance in both domains . 角動量守恒在兩種領域中形式完全相同,并且有同樣的重要性。

The discovery that heat is a form of energy led to the postulate of a universal law of energy conservation . 熱是能的一種形式這個發現,成為能量守恒這條普遍定律的出發點。

For conservation of momentum, the atom must recoil with a momentum of this magnitude in the opposite direction . 因為動量守恒,原子必然以這樣大小的動量向相反方向反沖。

Perhaps the most important questions are whether simpler and more inclusive conservation laws exist . 最重要的疑問或許是:有沒有形式更簡單、適用范圍更廣泛的守恒定律。

In the physical world there exist a number of conservation laws, some exact and some approximate . 物理世界中存在著一些守恒定律,其中有些是嚴格的,有些是近似的。

These new conservation laws correlate and explain a wide range of physical phenomena . 這些新的守恒定律把極其廣泛的物理現象相互聯系起來,并對它們作出了說明。

Accompanying all official measures were pleas for voluntary conservation of energy in all its forms . 在采取行政措施的同時,還向人們呼吁自覺節約各種能源。

A conservation is a statement of constancy in naturein particular, constancy during change . 守恒定律說明自然界的不變性,特別是說明變化期間的不變性。

Conservation of energy is that energy can't be made or destroyed, it can only be transformed . 能量守恒意即能量既不能創造,也不能消滅,只能轉化。

If only conservation forces act, the kinetic energy plus the potential energy remains constant . 如果只受保守力的作用,則動能加勢能是一個恒量。

This represents a substantial measure of nutrient conservation in soil and vegetation systems . 這一點正是在土壤植被系統中保持養分的實質措施。

The discovery of strange particles lead to a generalization of the law of nucleon conservation . 奇異粒子的發現導致了核子守恒定理的推廣。

In other examples, energy conservation may provide the easiest route to a solution . 在其他的例子中,能量守恒可能提供解題的最簡易的方法。

Under these conditions the conservation of energy is equivalent to the conservation of mass . 在這種條件下,能量守恒和質量守恒是相等的。

The universality of the law of conservation of energy was not generally accepted until 1847 . 能量守恒定律的普適性直到1847年才得到公認。

Problems of soil conservation and shoreland development are not likely to quickly disappear . 土壤保持和濱海地開發問題也不可能很快消失。