
consentaneous adj.1.同意的;一致的。2.合意的;適合的 (to;...


With 24 c or 4 c , the change trends of the content of the salidroside was basically consentaneous in the consecutive cultural eras of the callus . in the callus from the different explants , the influence was maximal to the the activity of pal enzyme and the influence was lowest to the the activity of ca4h enzyme , and the influence to the the activity of tal enzyme was ascertained according to the explant of the callus . so in the same explant with the different temperature or in the different explant with the same temperature , there was no incident between the content of the salidroside and the activity of enzymes pal , ca4h and tal , and we presumed that there may be emphasized particularly on different metabolic pathway of salidroside ( 2 ) 、愈傷組織的外植體來源、培養溫度條件和不同的繼代培養數都影響著其中紅景天甙的含量和苯丙氨酸解氨酶( pal ) 、肉桂酸解氨酶( ca4h )和酪氨酸解氨酶( tal )這3種酶的活性;不管是葉來源還是莖來源,不管是24培養還是4培養的愈傷組織,在連續繼代培養中紅景天甙含量的變化趨勢基本上是一致的;無論是葉來源的愈傷組織還是莖來源的愈傷組織,培養溫度對pal酶的酶活性影響最大,對ca4h酶的酶活性影響最小,對tal酶的酶活性影響視不同的外植體來源而定;在相同外植體來源的愈傷組織中及不同的培養溫度的條件下,或是在不同外植體來源的愈傷組織中及相同溫度的培養條件下,其紅景天甙含量與pal酶、 ca4h酶和tal酶的酶活性之間沒有完全一致的對應伴隨關系。

Jingjie copper product co . , ltd . is a professional manufacture specializes in dealing with copper product , bronze artware and metal artware for funeral and interment . in 2001 , the company had made use of the high technology patent no : cn1219613a to wholly shape various pure copper carvings and drawings of nearly hundred varieties with chillcasting , which are popular with vast consumers . in 2002 , the company took advantage of the technical monopoly again to successfully develop such series funeral products as artistic copper coffin , copper embossed door sheet type bone ash storage rack , new - style art gravestone copper embossed indoors outdoors ornament , which have received consentaneous favorable comments from the leaders of state ministry of civil affairs 無錫市敬捷銅制品有限公司是一家專門從事殯葬用銅制品青銅工藝品金屬藝術品的專業生產廠家, 2001年公司利用高科技技術專利號: cn1219613a冷鑄整體成形各種純銅雕畫近百個品種,深受廣大消費者的青睞, 2002年公司又利用這一技術專利,開發成功了“藝術銅棺” “銅浮雕門板骨灰存放架” “新型藝術墓碑” “銅浮雕室內外裝飾件”等系列殯葬用品,在2002年上海殯葬用品博覽會上得到了國家民政部中國殯葬協會領導及全體與會代表的一致好評,稱之為當今殯葬用品中的新亮點。

Technology and legal protection measures promote the progress of medical informatization . it promotes exchange between hospitals . however , today there is still no consentaneous medical ca 有效的技術保護、法律的支持使得醫療信息可以被廣泛信息化,這樣可以使醫療機構間的信息交流變得容易,使得醫療信息的作用更大。

The first part of my paper is to summarize literature . the foreign research showed consentaneous idea on the short period relation between monetary policy and output 本文利用1992年第一季度2005年第四季度的季度數據,采用統計分析方法進行實證分析,并對這段歷史時期的不同階段進行比較分析。

There is not consentaneous way to classify the business newspaper and periodical in china academy of the journalism and mass - communication 關于財經報刊的分類,目前在中國新聞傳播學術界還沒有統一的說法。