
consensual adj.1.【法律】在雙方同意下成立的。2.【生理】交感...

consensual sex

Chapter two is about the legal - medical relationship , indicating the legal relationship between doctors and patients , especially the relationship formed by the clinical behavior acted by doctor to patient , including consensual , non - consensual and forced relationships , and respective facts that cause civil liabilities as well 第二章醫療法律關系,指出醫患之間的法律關系,尤其是醫方對患者施行的診療行為所形成之法律關系,包括合同關系、無因管理和強制診療關系,以及有關事實所引致的民事責任等。

There was no consensual conception of youth leadership , and youth leadership was basically conceived as the possession of abilities in five domains problem - solving and decision making , relating to others , teamwork and team - building , community awareness and participation , and national international outlook 有關青年領袖才能的界定,眾說紛云。然而,社會各界都接受青年領袖培訓主要目標在發掘和開展青年之個人潛能,強化溝通技巧,團隊工作,提升社會意識以及增強對國家認同和擴闊國際視野五大范疇的能力

This experimental study investigated the effects of different brainstorming , namely individual thinking , group interactive brainstorming and electronic brainstorming on creativity of college students by comparing the number of ideas generated in three brainstorming sessions , as well as by assessing creativity in the final product made independently after brainstorming session using “ consensual assessment technique of creativity “ by amabile . the purpose of this study is to compare the different effects of these brainstorming sessions or thinking patterns on creative process and final products 本實驗研究比較了個體獨立思考、口頭頭腦風暴、電子頭腦風暴三種不同的思考方式對90名大學生被試在創造性觀點產生數量上的差異,并使用amabile “創造力一致性評價技術”評價了三種頭腦風暴方式結束后每人獨立制作的創造產品的創造性高低,力求考查不同頭腦風暴法對創造過程與結果所起的作用是否有所不同,互動的創造環境是否更有利于大學生創造水平的發揮等問題。

The probabilities of correct identification are combined across multiple peptide searches using a function that returns the maximum probability from consensus identifications , and penalizes non - consensual identifications 肽段的正確或者錯誤鑒定都認為是肽段空間中的隨隨機事件,與一些參數相關,例如蛋白質長度,蛋白質的估計濃度,數據庫大小,數據集中鑒定的肽段數目。

The statement published last night said : “ mr and mrs abramovich have divorced in russia on a consensual basis and have agreed terms in respect of arrangements for their children and a financial settlement 昨天發表的聲明如下: “阿布夫人和阿布先生昨天在雙方自愿的情況下在俄羅斯解除了婚姻,這次離婚充分考慮到了子女和財產的情況。 ”

But she has learned from watching the rest of her husband ' s presidency and , more recently , as a senator for new york , where she has been hard - working , consensual , effective and a little dull 但是她也從觀察克林頓政府的后續舉措中獲益不少,而且最近作為紐約的一名參議員,她一直都努力工作、尋求共識、富有成效,同時也有一點點遲鈍。

As to divorce , both places practice the system of consensual divorce and procedural divorce , while the prerequisites and the procedures in consensual divorce and the legal reasons in juridical divorce are not the same 在離婚方面,兩地都有協議離婚和訴訟離婚兩種形式,但在協議離婚的條件和程序以及判決離婚的法定理由上有差異。

Obviously i would like you to answer my questions the wiki way : you may edit the existing answers that are already there , but try to find consensual answers that the core community can agree on (顯然我希望閣下可以維基獨有的方式回答我的問題:閣下可以直接編輯已經存在的答案,但最好尋求社群核心人物都同意的共識性答覆。

The right of revocation relates to the consensual characteristic of donation contract closely , and it is the remedy to relieve the burden of the donator after the conclusion of contract 贈與人的任意撤回權與贈與合同的諾成性故關,是旨在彌補贈與被立法確認為諾成合同后對贈與人要求過苛的弊端而設計的救濟性手段。

Ant appeared at a los angeles news conference holding hands with wife vanessa on friday and said he was innocent of the criminal charge and insisted the act was consensual 周五,布萊恩和妻子瓦尼薩攜手出現在洛杉磯新聞發布會上,科比聲明說他在這次刑事起訴中是無辜的,并堅持此次行為是雙方自愿的。

Acupuncture point is optional god door , endocrine , consensual acupuncture point ; if have familial shikejia kidney , adrenal , without familial history increase acupuncture point of lienal , stomach , heart 穴位可選神門、內分泌、交感穴;如有家族史可加腎、腎上腺,無家族史加脾、胃、心穴。

I would like to thank dr yeoh eng - kiong for building up a sound foundation for development so that the bureau and departments can continue to follow those consensual strategies 我要感謝楊永強醫生建立了穩固的發展基礎,使?生福利及食物局和轄下部門能繼續推行這些已獲共識的策略。

A good environment policy should be built on consensual objectives which are supported by a clear policy - making structure , standards for implementation and guidelines 良好的環境政策,必須建基于一個大眾認同的環境目標和愿景,輔以清晰明確的決策架構、執行標準與指南。

Mr bernanke ' s words steadied markets during that turmoil , suggesting he has won credibility - albeit with a more consensual style 這次震蕩中,伯南克的講話穩定了市場,顯示他已贏得信任- -盡管是以一種更為“凝聚共識“的風格。

He said trevi had been asked if her “ pregnancy had been consensual , ” whereupon the mexican star had said no 他說,特列維曾被問及她的懷孕是否出于雙方愿意,這位墨西哥前明星回答說不是。

Consensual , involving the willing participation of both or all parties , especially in an illegal transaction or practice 自愿參與的,雙方或所有各方都自愿參與的,尤指在非法交易或行為中

Shared reflect that ontology should capture consensual knowledge accepted by the communities 共享反映了本體應該捕獲被社會接受的概念化知識。

Mr lafley is , by contrast , affable and consensual in his approach 相反,雷富禮先生為人和藹可親,并采取眾人認可的途徑。

Consensual pupillary reflex 同感性瞳孔反射