
consenescence n.衰老。


Be in charge of in classics of doctor of traditional chinese medicine “ inside classics “ go up to also have discuss : “ ( person ) year 40 shade are enraged from half , daily life declines “ ; the middleaged person that enters 40 years old or so as postmeridian sun , energy by abundant trend abate , this is natural consenescence of the person , the nature that also is a kidney is anile , everybody wants to face and be experienced 在中醫經典《內經》上也有論述: “ (人)年四十則陰氣自半,起居衰矣” ;步入四十歲左右的中年人就如同午后的太陽,精力由充沛走向減弱,這是人的自然衰老,也是腎臟的自然衰老,每個人都要面對和經歷。

The product is abundance in alginate , kelp polysaccharose , sulphuric acid polysaccharose , alga ammonia acid , polysaccharide , taurine , mannitol , iodine and all kinds of trace elements . it is a newly health product to prevent and cure many diseases , delay consenescence of human body 本品含有豐富的褐藻酸鈉、褐藻酸鉀、海帶多糖、硫酸多糖、藻氨酸、多聚酸、牛磺酸、甘露醇、碘及多種微量元素,是防治多種疾病,延緩人體衰老的新型保健佳品。

Because get hurt , organize when human body , of disease or consenescence when be killed formerly consequently by damage , the mankind grows element is stimulated namely grow factor arises , these growth factor is hurried to like fire department namely “ fire fighting “ 當人體組織由于受傷、疾病或衰老的原因而遭受損害時,人類生長素即刺激生長因子產生,這些生長因子即像消防隊一樣趕去“救火” 。

Use full treatment of vapour wash one ' s hair , can raise an organization to knit metabolism , eliminate exhaustion , activation main and collateral channels , to medical treatment , preserve one ' s health , health care , hairdressing , fight consenescence to have admirable effect 利用蒸汽沐足療法,能提高組織織新陳代謝,消除疲憊,激活經絡,對醫療、養生、保健、美容、抗衰老有極佳效果。

Fish can counteract melancholy , prevent asthma , allay dementia , relieve consenescence and hold off apoplexy … … in a word , a man always eating fish will be more young , more lively , more fashion and more healthy 吃魚可抗憂郁、可防哮喘、可少癡呆、可避中風、可緩衰老… …總之,吃魚使人活力張揚、讓人青春時尚、令人健康安泰、叫人彰顯理想。

“ theory of traditional chinese medical science thinks : the rise and fall that the person ' s growth , development , reproduction and consenescence enrage with the essence in kidney has close relationship 中醫理論認為:人的生長、發育、生殖和衰老都與腎中精氣的盛衰有密切的關系。

Arrived in senile phase , the essence of kidney enrages decline , body also gradually anile , countenance consenescence , motion of systemic bones and muscles is ineffective , tine shakes send 到了中老年階段,腎的精氣衰退,形體也逐漸衰老,面容衰老,全身筋骨運動不靈,齒搖發脫。

Use of skin care products and cosmetics is only a process of superficial relieving , which will in no way effect the function of delaying consenescence 護膚品、化妝品的使用,只是一個表面緩解的過程,根本無法達到延緩衰老的作用。

Various numerous skin care products and cosmetics have emerged for delaying consenescence and skin ageing 為了延緩衰老,延緩皮膚的老化,各類護膚品和化妝品應運而生,數不勝數。

Or must seek one custom , lets oneselfin this long custom , gradually consenescence perishes 還是要尋找一種習慣,讓自己在這漫長的習慣中,逐漸衰老滅亡。

Discussion on mechanism of consenescence 試論衰老的機制

The process of cell oxidation is that of human consenescence 細胞被氧化的過程,就是人自身衰老的過程。