
consecutive numbers 【數學】相鄰數。


This is the first and largest intermediate term outcome study of anorexia nervosa in asia . the subjects were a consecutive number of 88 patients who were seen at the prince of wales hospital psychiatric unit and hong kong eating disorders centre during 1984 to 2000 . the method of assessment was based on in - depth interview and self - rating scales 研究于過去三年追訪本港八十八名厭食女患者,以深入的面談及自填問卷調查兩種形式進行,對象為一九八四年至二零零零年到威爾斯親王醫院或香港進食失調中心求診的厭食患者。

As an example , the ratio between each group of two consecutive numbers follows the human heartbeat pulsation : sudden increase , a small dip , a rise again , and then even progression , until the next heartbeat 例如,每兩個相鄰數組間的比遵循人類心臟跳動:突然加大,少許傾斜,再次上升,接著平衡行進,直到下一個心跳。

The essential points of the temple [ shown herein ] comply with the summation series , which reaches the figure of 233 cubits in its total length , as measured from the pyramid , with ten consecutive numbers of the series 神廟的基本點[在這里表明的]照和級數做,總長度達233腕尺,如來自金字塔測量,具有級數的十相鄰數。

Multiple or repeated evasion acts over a consecutive number of years ( e . g . persistent default in rendering returns and making of incorrect returns when pressed with estimated assessments ) 連續數年多番并屢次作出逃稅行為(例如:持續欠交報稅表,以及在估計評稅發出后,填報不正確的報稅表)

Multiple or repeated evasion acts over a consecutive number of years e . g . persistent default in rendering returns and making of incorrect returns when pressed with estimated assessments 連續數年多番并屢次作出逃稅行為例如:持續欠交報稅表,以及在估計評稅發出后,填報不正確的報稅表

In this case you might want to have several smaller insert statements , for example having this table expression : select size from size frequency join consecutive number on num between 本例中,您可能需要幾個較小一些的insert語句,例如在第一個insert中使用以下表表達式:

Notices based on original information , as opposed to those that republish information from another country , have their consecutive numbers prefixed by an asterisk 根據原始資料而不是取自其他國家資料再發布的通告在其連續編號前有一個星形前綴。

Once that is done , we can join the consecutive number and make model frequency tables in exactly the same way as we did previously 一旦完成該工作,我們就可以按照前面一模一樣的方法來連接consecutive _ number和make _ model _ frequency表了。

As we have seen , every row in the color frequency table joins with the frequency rows in the consecutive number table 正如我們所看到的, color _ frequency表中的每一行都連接了consecutive _ number表中的frequency行。

Two cars permanently attached , identified by their consecutive numbers 二輛汽車長備的附上,被他們的連續數字識別。