
consecutive adj.1.連續的,串聯的,依次相續的;連貫的。2.【語...

consecutive clause

Hkcec wins top industry award in the 7th consecutive year 會展中心榮膺全球最佳會議中心七連冠

Straight here means uninterrupted , consecutive 無間斷的連續的

For 3 consecutive wins , let ' s go 蟬聯3季冠軍的參賽選手加油!

Admission to the museum is good for two consecutive days 博物館的入場券可以在連續的兩天內使用。

Today was 9 , 1 82 consecutive days . . 今天是連續第9182個日子. .

If you get this question right , you win 2 consecutive weeks 如果你回答正確你將第二次獲得冠軍

The sum of two consecutive integers is 29 兩個連續整數之和是29 。

No council member shall serve more than two consecutive terms 所有被選執事不可連任兩屆以上。

He won the match for three consecutive years 他連續三年贏得比賽。

Note taking in consecutive interpreting 論即席翻譯過程中的口譯記錄

He wined the game in consecutive three years 他連續三年贏得比賽。

Annual continuation training 7 consecutive days 56 hours 周年進修訓練(連續七天共五十六小時)

2 basic rental charge for consecutive 7 days not counting thursday 2連續租用7天不計星期四

It is seldom that you will ever have three consecutive losses 很少會出現連續三次的虧損的。

Longhaul airline of the year 2002 fifth consecutive year 最佳長途航空公司大獎連續五年獲獎

Well , let ' s ask my wall of 374 consecutive 讓我們問問我的連續374屆

The judge would give 3 consecutive sentences 法官會判他3項保留罪名。

He win the champion for three consecutive years 他連續三年贏得比賽。

Tuseday and wednesday are consecutive 星期二和星期三士是連續的幾天。