
consecution n.1.連貫;(邏輯)順序,推理順序[步驟];前后關連。...


4 . theresultsof the optimization reseach on the design of the underground consecution wall show that without the increasing of the rigidity and section of struts . the cost of underground consecution wall can decrease about 5 . 5 % or so , the cost of istruts decrease about 6 . 3 % . the results drawed in this paper offering some actual prefencesses ( 4 )地下連續墻結構體系設計優化結果表明:在不增加內支撐剛度及其截面積的情況下,優化后地下連續墻造價可以減少5 . 5左右,內支撐的造價可減少6 . 3

With the analysis of the architecture design of hangzhou xianlin no . 2 center elementary school , the paper expounds the campus creation means of pursuing distinctive buildings with the unification of the environment and the buildings , the whole and the individual , secondly , the design idea at a campus full of naturalness , comfortableness and consecution is discussed 摘要通過對杭州市閑林鎮第二中心小學的建筑設計分析,該文闡述了在由環境到建筑、由整體到個體的統一中,追求單體建筑個性的校園創作思路,并探討了自然、舒展及有條理性的校園設計理念。

The results of research show that : 1 . the statistical analysis of the in - situ measured soil and water pressures and lateral horizontal displacement of the underground consecution wall revealed that soil and water pressures chang continuously with the excavation depth , the maximum values appear when excavation depth reach 1 / 2 - 5 / 8 of the designing excavation depth . generally , the soil and water pressures on the underground consecution wall are less than that calculated by conditional ways . the lateral horizontal displancement of the underground consecution wall increase with the increase of excavation depth . during the process of excavation , the following excavation of soil have an obvious effect on inner force and displacement of the previous struts , which proved that classic methods ( imagine beam method etc ) are unreasonable 研究結果表明: ( 1 )對基坑圍護結構?地下連續墻的實測土壓力和實測側向水平位移統計分析得出:土壓力是一個隨開挖深度不斷變化的量;在開挖至設計開挖深度的1 2 5 8時,土壓力達到最大值。從總體上看,實測土壓力小于按傳統方法(水土分算法、水土合算法)計算得到的主動土壓力。地下連續墻的側向水平位移是隨開挖加深而不斷增加的。

Therefore , according to the basic characteristics of structural complexity , this paper takes the modern enterprise group as the research object , applies modularity management theory , follows the consecution of “ structure analysis - static analysis - dynamic analysis - open analysis “ , and studies the structural complexity of the modern enterprise group and its growth mechanism . the major contents are as follows : 1 因此,論文以現代企業集團為研究對象,根據結構復雜性的基本特征,運用模塊化管理思想,遵循“結構分析? ?靜態分析? ?動態分析? ?開放分析”邏輯順序,研究現代企業集團結構復雜性及其成長機理,主要內容如下: ( 1 )揭示了現代企業集團結構復雜性的基本特征,構建了現代企業集團結構模塊化分析模型。

Taking the urbanization practices of our country as the background , mainly using the area economics , development economics , institutional economics , information economics and some other former theories , and along with the consecution of “ phenomenon ? ? integrated mechanism model ? ? cent motivity mechanism ? ? use in practice “ , try to discuss the developing problem of china ' s urbanization by such motivity mechanism model 本文運用區域經濟學、發展經濟學、制度經濟學、產業經濟學以及相關的經濟學前沿理論,以我國城市化實踐為背景,沿著“現象? ?綜合動力機制? ?分動力機制? ?現實運用”的邏輯路線,進行理論與實證相結合的分析,并借此對中國城市化發展的問題進行探討。

With the thread of the system of copyright protection , this thesis gives a clear explanation to both current status of copyright protection and its cost - profit evaluation , offering rationalizational advice to the related subjects in copyright protection in the consecution of concept - form - theory - reality 本文以著作權保護制度為線索,依照從淺入深,概念? ?形式? ?理論? ?現實的邏輯順序,對著作權保護的現狀及其成本收益評價進行了剖析,并對我國著作權保護領域的相關主體提出了合理化建議。

3 . the results of the optimization reseach on the imbedded depth of underground consecution wall show that the lateral horizontal displacment of the underground consecution wall do not infinitely decrease with the increase of the imbedded depth of the underground consecution wll ( 3 )地下連續墻嵌巖深度優化結果表明:地下連續墻側向水平位移并非隨嵌巖深度的增加而無限制地減小,因此合理的嵌巖深度,既是一個安全問題,也是一個經濟問題。

The principle of developing net - based instruction contents includes three parts . the first part is the combining of self learning and collaboration learning ; the second part is the combining of consecution and integration ; the third part is the combining of content and object 網絡教學內容的開發原則主要是以下三個方面:個別化學習與協作化學習相結合、連慣性和整合性相結合、內容表現與行為目標相結合。

Because the transmission data are given in digital protection device , we need to establish the adapted transmission regulation based on the standard can protocol , which is very important to guarantee the consecution and veracity of data 由于數字保護裝置中需要傳輸的數據是特定的,本文在標準can協議的基礎上制定了適合我們需要的傳輸規約。

Summary the front chapter , discuss the exercisable method of urban design , dissertate it from several aspects : space sequence , interface consecution and environment facilities 通過對以上章節的總結,探討線性休閑空間與動態景觀創造可操作性的城市設計手法。從線性休閑空間整體序列、界面連續、環境設施等幾個方面進行論述。

With the modem industrial equipment developing towards enlargement , consecution , super speed and automatization , more and more people pay attention to the failure diagnosis technology of mechanical equipment 隨著現代工業生產設備大型化、連續化、高速化和自動化的不斷發展,機械設備的故障診斷技術越來越受到重視。

In this paper , we mainly study consecution of consecutive graph under several operations . also we determine bounds of irregularity strength and ( g ) for there classes of graphs 本文討論連續的圖在幾種圖運算下的連續性,證明了幾類特殊圖是連續的,并得到它們的非正則和以及非正則強度的界。

Through summarization and organization of function principle solutions and contradiction resolving principles , corresponding design rule and database are established in consecution and hierarchy 通過歸納或整理功能原理解及沖突解決原理,并將其層次化、條理化,建立了相應的設計準則和數據庫。

Company consecution three year acquire the aaa class reputation the business enterprise and acquire the municipal class the technology the advance the prize two times 公司連續三年獲得aaa級信用企業并獲得市級科技進步獎二次。

Various repetitions play : whole disc single song part fixed - point broadcast many reruns choice : catalogue arbitrarily consecution reserve to broadcast play choice etc 多重播放選擇:目錄任意連續預約播放等放影選擇

Combining regulations of various main factors of style include : unification and variety , consecution and reiteration , contrast and harmony 各種要素的組合規律包括:統一與變化;條理與反復;對比與調和。

The thesis has six chapters , not including forward . we can also divide the whole paper into 3 parts in accordance with consecution 本文除引言外,分六章,按它們的邏輯關系又可分為三個部分。

The many reruns puts the choice : catalogue arbitrarily consecution reserve to broadcast the etc . to put the choice 多重播放選擇:目錄任意連續預約播放等放影選擇

The consecution of the whole good , the weight is light , construction convenience 整體連續性好、重量輕、施工方便。