
consecration n.1.獻祭;奉獻。2.神圣化。3.授(圣)職。4.獻身...


But when once they realise that salvation means a vital life union with jesus christ , an actual sharing of his life dwelling and working in us , and the consecration of our whole being , to live and labour , to think and will , and find our highest joy in living as a royal priesthood , the church will put on her strength , and prove , in intercourse with god and man , how truly the likeness and the power of christ dwell in her 然而,一旦他們認清了得救的真正意義乃是得著一個與基督合一的活的生命,真實的有分于一個住在我們里面并一直作工的生命,使我們將全人獻上為主生活和工作,思想和意愿,并且以過著君尊祭司的生活為最喜樂,這樣教會就大有能力,且證實了因著與神與人的交通,使基督的權能顯在教會中,而教會也能像他。

The spirit of the jubilee demands that we reflect upon our own responsibilities for ensuring the reconciliation and communion of all those who share with us the dignity of the children of god , redeemed in christ jesus and led to consecration in the truth through the gift of the holy spirit jn 16 : 13 , 17 : 17 圣年精神要求我們,反省自己的責任,確保所有分享天主子女的尊嚴,在基督耶穌內得救,并透過圣神的恩賜,在真理內蒙受祝福的基督徒,持續修和與共融若16 : 13 ; 17 : 17 。

Nonetheless , tensions between the vatican and the government have caused leadership problems within the official catholic church in the country due to the friction between some bishops who have been consecrated with secret vatican approval ( or who obtained such secret approval after their consecration ) and others consecrated without such approval 梵蒂網與中國政府之間的緊張關系造成了中國官方天主教會內部的權力之爭,因為就任時經梵蒂網秘密冊封的一些主教(或者在就任后得到梵蒂網秘密冊封者)與其他一些未得到梵蒂網冊封的主教產生摩擦。

This message is sent out as a wireless to all that desire to be in touch with it , and to seek to prove their consecration to their lord in the unceasing daily supplication for the power of his love and spirit to be revealed to all his people 這信息將要像無線電通訊一樣,不斷地傳遞到眾弟兄姐妹的心中,讓信徒們都甘心樂意地撥時間等候在上帝面前,向上帝證明他們奉獻及追求成圣的決心,恒切地為教會合一不斷禱告,且祈求上帝將圣靈的大能,澆灌在屬?的兒女身上。

Mr . reed had been dead nine years : it was in this chamber he breathed his last ; here he lay in state ; hence his coffin was borne by the undertaker s men ; and , since that day , a sense of dreary consecration had guarded it from frequent intrusion 里德先生死去已經九年了,他就是在這間房子里咽氣的,他的遺體在這里讓人瞻仰,他的棺材由殯葬工人從這里抬走。從此之后,這里便始終彌漫著一種陰森森的祭奠氛圍,所以不常有人闖進來。

In the taoist of dragon tiger mountain , there lived a drunken taoist who s behaviour and appearance were different from ordinary people . he was being punished to find a cherry boy who was born in the year of “ sun mou “ , the 15th of august of midnight for the consecration of new idol 虎山道觀醉道人袁祥仁飾一次因清理道堂,撞壞天師像,被罰下山尋覓庚辰年八月十五亥時出生的童子,為新天師像開光。

I felt the consecration of its loneliness : my eye feasted on the outline of swell and sweep - on the wild colouring communicated to ridge and dell by moss , by heath - bell , by flower - sprinkled turf , by brilliant bracken , and mellow granite crag 我的眼目盡情地享受著起伏的荒原,享受著山脊上與山谷中由青苔灰色歐石南小花點點的草地鮮艷奪目的歐洲蕨和顏色柔和的花崗巖所形成的荒野色彩。

And moses said unto aaron and to his sons , boil the flesh at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation : and there eat it with the bread that is in the basket of consecrations , as i commanded , saying , aaron and his sons shall eat it 31摩西對亞倫和他兒子說,把肉煮在會幕門口,在那里吃,又吃承接圣職筐子里的餅,按我所吩咐的說(或作按所吩咐我的說) ,這是亞倫和他兒子要吃的。

In fact , in the christian church we baptize , we cleanse . when you consecrate yourself for a sacrifice what you do is you cleanse yourself , you put on your fine clothes and you prepare yourself to do something with god . thats what consecration is 今天在基督教會我們有洗禮,我們這樣得潔凈,為著獻祭而潔凈自己,就是自潔穿上最好的衣服,預備好為神做點事,這就是分別為圣

The activities of missionaries in china embodied the spirit of consecration and solicitude of humanities of christian doctrines subjectively , and were impetus of development of chinese history and society objectively 傳教士在中國的這些活動,在主觀上體現了基督教義的奉獻精神和人文關懷,在客觀上成為近代中國歷史進步和社會演進的推動力。

“ in name of deyeson , a glorious paladin , i summon the power of light , by this consecration . clean this land , purify the water , heal the creatures , let the demon ' s remnants disappear ! “以光榮的圣騎士戴耶森之名,我獻祭自己召喚圣光的力量,凈化這片湖水和大地,療治所有受傷的生靈,讓惡魔的污染從這里消失吧! ”

Dynamic actions are favoured but initiations , consecrations , marriages , beginning building , religious studies or retreats , and activities relating to the dead , are not favoured 此日不宜作灌頂,開光/加持,婚娶,開始建筑(奠基) ,宗教研學或閉關,及與死者有關的法事。其他均可。

And moses took them from off their hands , and burnt them on the altar upon the burnt offering : they were consecrations for a sweet savour : it is an offering made by fire unto the lord 28摩西從他們的手上拿下來,燒在壇上的燔祭上,都是為承接圣職獻給耶和華馨香的火祭。

He shall not make himself unclean for his father , or for his mother , for his brother , or for his sister , when they die : because the consecration of his god is upon his head 7他的父母或是弟兄姊妹死了的時候,他不可因他們使自己不潔凈,因為那離俗歸神的憑據是在他頭上。

And if ought of the flesh of the consecrations , or of the bread , remain unto the morning , then thou shalt burn the remainder with fire : it shall not be eaten , because it is holy 34那承接圣職所獻的肉或餅,若有一點留到早晨,就要用火燒了,不可吃這物,因為是圣物。

And ye shall not go out of the door of the tabernacle of the congregation in seven days , until the days of your consecration be at an end : for seven days shall he consecrate you 33你們七天不可出會幕的門,等到你們承接圣職的日子滿了,因為主叫你們七天承接圣職。

This kind of ship calls king ship . the king ship in anping doesn t exile to the river or burn it and they build king ship by themselves and only for consecration 在臺閩一帶稱瘟神為王爺,送瘟的船為王船,而安平一地的王船既不放流也不焚化,而是自己建造、奉祀用。

And moses took the breast , and waved it for a wave offering before the lord : for of the ram of consecration it was moses ' part ; as the lord commanded moses 摩西拿羊的胸作為搖祭,在耶和華面前搖一搖,是承接圣職之禮,歸摩西的分,都是照耶和華所吩咐摩西的。

Answer : since we can ' t connect a hero with a specific war or it is relatively difficult to measure his consecration , it is hard to answer this question 回答:因為我們不能把英雄跟具體的戰爭相連或者說衡量個人貢獻不是很容易,這個問題就很難回答了。