
consecrate vt.1.奉獻,獻祭。2.把…奉為神圣,尊崇。3.(用宗...


“ i will meet there with the sons of israel , and it shall be consecrated by my glory 出29 : 43我要在那里與以色列人相會、會幕就要因我的榮耀成為圣。

Consecrating guanyin buddhist . there are two opinions about the year of building 主祀觀世音菩薩,建造時間有二種說法,一為萬歷年間、一為道光六年

You shall consecrate them so they will be most holy , and whatever touches them will be holy 29要使這些物成為圣,好成為至圣,凡挨著的都成為圣。

Built in 1720 , consecrating god of the tongs . several street pedlars sell good in here 主祀通府千歲,創建于1720年左右,假日有攤販在廟前賣煮?糖

Seven days shall they purge the altar and purify it ; and they shall consecrate themselves 26七日祭司潔凈壇,壇就潔凈了。要這樣把壇分別為圣。

Well , upload in here and consecrate english and chinese version to all people who understand love 在此我將中英文譯本放上,獻給所有懂愛的人。

She helped the maidens prepare and consecrate their lives during their periods of expectancy 她幫助少女在期待的時期準備和奉獻她們生命。

In the camp they grew envious of moses and of aaron , who was consecrated to the lord 16他們又在營中嫉妒摩西,和耶和華的圣者亞倫。

He poured some of the anointing oil on aaron ' s head and anointed him to consecrate him 12又把膏油倒在亞倫的頭上膏他,使他成圣。

And consecrated king 即可為神圣君王

I said to them , “ you as well as these articles are consecrated to the lord 28我對他們說,你們歸耶和華為圣,器皿也為圣。

This battle field is consecrated to the memory of the soldiers who died here 這個戰場被視為圣地以紀念戰死在這里的戰士。

And consecrated king . . 即可為神圣君王

And the consecrated things were six hundred oxen and three thousand sheep 33又有分別為圣之物,公牛六百只,綿羊三千只。

This battlefield is consecrated to the memory of the soldiers who died here 這場戰場被視為圣地以紀念死于該處的戰士。

In medieval times , church bells were often consecrated to ward off evil spirits 中世紀時,教堂的鐘常用于驅趕惡魔。

In medieval times church bells were often consecrated to ward off evil spirits 中世紀時,教堂的鐘常用于驅趕惡魔。

Anyone who wanted to become a priest he consecrated for the high places 凡愿意的,他都分別為圣,立為丘壇的祭司。

That prayer consecrated harry 那禱告圣化了夏利。