
conscription n.征兵;征集,征發,征用。 conscription ...

conscription age

Article 34 moi , mod and national health department of executive yuan shall each year at a proper time jointly visit at the originator agency and unit of conscription operation at the local government , training bases , and contracted hospital for fact - finding about the handling of conscription activities 第34條內政部、國防部及行政院衛生署每年應于適當之時間,聯合訪問直轄市、縣(市)政府兵役業務專責機關、單位與訓練基地及特約醫院有關徵兵處理業務。

He many complete an application form submitted together with a certificate of diagnosis exclusively for the purpose of conscription as executed by a review hospital to the conscription examination committee for the determination of his grade of physical condition in care of the public office and the local government 二填具申請書,并檢具復檢醫院兵役用診斷證明書,由戶籍地鄉(鎮、市、區)公所報請直轄市、縣(市)政府轉送徵兵檢查委員會判定體位。

According to relevant requirement , institution , association , enterprise , subdistrict office and community management should implementing physical examination , medical history examination , and political and cultural examination for the conscription citizen 機關、團體、企業事業單位和街道辦事處、社區管理處,按要求,對應征公民進行體格目測、病史調查和政治、文化審查。

The acts of napoleon and alexander , on whose words it seemed to depend whether this should be done or not , were as little voluntary as the act of each soldier , forced to march out by the drawing of a lot or by conscription 事件發生與否,似乎取決于拿破侖和亞歷山大的某一句話而他們二人的行為如同以抽簽或者以招募方式出征的每個士兵的行為一樣,都是不由自主的。

In turkmenistan there is no civilian alternative for young men whose conscientiously - held beliefs preclude them from carrying out compulsory military service , and those who refuse conscription face imprisonment under criminal law 在土庫曼,對于良心上所抱持的理念驅使他們不愿服兵役的年輕人并無替代役的其他民兵服務方案,而對拒絕徵召的人會依刑法判處入獄。

Article 11 no later than ten ( 10 ) day upon commencing the conscription examination , the public office shall notify each draftee subject to the conscription examination the time and date , place and requirements of the conscription examination 第11條鄉(鎮、市、區)公所應于徵兵檢查開始十日前,將徵兵檢查時間、地點及注意事項通知應受徵兵檢查之役男。

He commanded those powerful armies till then assembled in modern warfare , he enforced conscription of soldiers for the first time in american history and under imperative necessity he abolished the rights of habeas corpus 他命令強大的軍隊集結投入現代戰爭,他在美國歷史上首次厲行征兵制度,在緊急形勢的要求下,他廢除了人身保護令所賦予的權力。

Article 25 moi shall follow the conscription plan referred in article 24 hereof to prepare the conscription plan for each phase by month , and deliver the plan to each local government while keeping mod notified of the plan in writing 第25條內政部應依前條兵員徵集計畫,按月訂定各梯次徵集計畫,送達各直轄市、縣(市)政府,并副知國防部。

Before making the determination of the grade of physical condition for the application draftee as described herein , the conscription examination committee shall refer the case to the grades of physical condition of draftees review committee 前項申請改判體位案件,徵兵檢查委員會于判定體位前,應送役男體位審查委員會審議。

Conscription office of development zone should authorize implementation of physical examination for citizen in active service ; the number of spot - checking should not be less than one - third of the conscription 開發區征兵辦公室對批準服現役的公民進行體格抽查,抽查人數不少于征兵人數的三分之一。

Overseas taiwanese and overseas taiwanese students who are liable to be called up to perform military service in accordance with the provisions of the conscription regulations for naturalized aliens returning overseas chinese 3 .歸國僑民及僑生,依歸國僑民服役辦法規定,依法應履行兵役義務者。

One original and two duplicates of muster roll of recruit that is uniformly made by conscription office of the area development zone , shall be granted to army and area conscription office one each for save 由開發區征兵辦公室統一編造《新兵花名冊》一式兩份,一份交給部隊,一份由區征兵辦保存。

Article 16 any draftee granted with the extended conscription examination pursuant to article 15 shall complete the later conscription examination upon the cause justified for the extension is ceased to be 第16條依前條核準延期徵兵檢查役男,于延期原因消滅后,應補行徵兵檢查。

Federal government plan to encourage medical specialists into rural areas has been described as immoral and a form of conscription (澳大利亞)聯邦政府關于鼓勵醫學專家(學生)到鄉村地區去(工作)的計劃,被稱為是“不道德” ,或被誤解為政府的另外一種“征召” 。

Article 10 the local government shall prepare the conscription examination plan and organize a conscription examination committee to carry out the conscription examination 第10條直轄市、縣(市)政府應擬定徵兵檢查計畫,并籌組徵兵檢查委員會,辦理徵兵檢查。

Article 8 unless otherwise so ordered by law , mail items , postal assets , postal funds and postal property shall not be subject to inspection , conscription or seizure 第8條郵件、郵政資產、郵政款項及郵政公用物,非依法律,不得作為檢查、徵收或扣押之標的。

Terms of service : denmark employs a conscription system with terms lasting from four to 12 months . members of certain ranks are required to serve terms up to 24 months 兵役制度:丹麥實行義務兵役制,服役期為12個月,某些特殊兵種需服役24個月。

Organizing the basic - level unit to implementing conscription registration for the male citizen with expiration of 18 - year - old age before 30th september every year 每年9月30日以前,組織基層單位對當年12月31日以前年滿18歲男性公民進行兵役登記。

You are included in the conscription , fernand , and are only at liberty on sufferance , liable at any moment to be called upon to take up arms 我求你不要靠這種風俗來幫你的忙啦,你已到了服兵役的年,目前只是暫時緩征,你隨時都可能應征入伍的。