
consciousness n.意識;知覺;覺悟(性);自覺。 lose [reco...


I omitted to mention her until now because she was largely omitted from the consciousness of bigger thomas . 我一直把她略而不提,只是因為大部分時間她在別格托馬斯的意識中同樣是被忽略的。

All the time he was oppressed by the consciousness that this carefulness of diction was making a booby of him . 他始終被這種感覺所苦惱著:這樣小心翼翼地挑字眼,把自己搞得真象個呆子。

Morning brought consciousness to the stricken man, and malemute kid bent closer to catch his whispers . 早晨,受傷的人清醒過來了,麥爾繆特基德俯身過去,傾聽著他那低低的細語。

The being with consciousness must have a different role in quantum mechanics than the inanimate measuring device . 在量子力學中有意識的人必定比無生命的測量裝置有不同的作用。

Sorrow camea gentle sorrowbut not at all in the shape of any disagreeable consciousness . 悲愁,一種不太歷害的悲愁,終于來臨了,但并不是以任何令人覺得可憎的形式出現的。

This fact was highly agreeable to winterbourne in spite of his consciousness of his singular situation . 這對溫特伯恩說來倒是求之不得,雖然他也明明知道自己的處境非常尷尬。

Interests imply the existence of means and a consciousness of the distinction between means and ends . 利益意味著手段,還意味著人們意識到目的和手段并不是同種東西。

The year from 1870 to 1890 were a time of the awakening of the social consciousness of protestantism . 從1870年到1890年的那些年月,是一個新教社會意識覺醒的時代。

Perhaps the consciousness encouraged a little defiance towards the critical strictness of persons . 也許正是這種意識在支持著他,使他對某些人的吹毛求疵置之一笑。

Running through american history, and therefore through american literature, is a double consciousness . 貫穿美國歷史的,也就是貫穿美國文學的,是一種雙重意識。

The majority of the sensory or, afferent impulses from muscle do not reach the level of consciousness . 來自肌肉的絕大部分感覺或傳入神經沖動不會由人所意識到。

She continued, her accents sinking under a deep consciousness of degradation of the proposal . 她接著說,由于深深感到這一要求的屈辱性,她的聲音更低了。

Even this imperfect consciousness faded away at last, and he dreamed a long, troubled dream . 最后,連這模糊的意識也消逝了,他做了一個很長的惡夢。

I had a sensitive consciousness of always appearing constrained, boorish, and dull . 我深切地感覺到自己束手束腳,笨手笨腳,呆呆板板,怔怔傻傻。

Behaviorism claims that consciousness is neither a definite nor a usable concept . 行為主義認為意識既不是一個確定的概念,也不是一個可用的概念。

He dredged his consciousness up from an infinite distance in order to make some reply . 他從無限遙遠的地方召喚回自己的知覺,預備做出回答。

The thought had jumped out of its little dark sentrybox in his inner consciousness . 這種思想從他意識深處那間陰暗的小“崗亭”里躍了出來。

They were two solitary sufferers, or connected only by fanny's consciousness . 他們兩人都是受難者,或者只是范妮心里把兩人聯到了一處。

In that clear instant of consciousness i opened my eye to a blinding flash . 在那神志清醒的一瞬間,我睜開了眼睛,看到一片炫目的閃光。