
conscious adj.1.有意識的,有知覺的;神志清醒的。2.自覺的,...


He must hear the melodies, the rhythms, the harmonies, the tone colors in a more conscious fashion . 他必須更自覺地去聽那曲調、節奏、和弦、音色。

Conscious of the bulging red folder, nim told her, “ask if it's important. “ 尼姆想到那個鼓鼓囊囊的紅色文件夾便告訴她:“問問是不是重要的事。”

During his first few months at college david had been very conscious of his humble background . 在入學以后的頭幾個月里,戴維深感自己出身卑賤。

Odious and unspeakable as all this would be if she were sane and conscious . 倘若娜塔麗這時是神志清醒的,那么這一切就會令人作嘔,不可名狀的。

Every nation has its literary problems; not every writer is conscious of them . 每一個國家都有其文學問題,但并不是每個作家都知道有問題存在。

He was a vain fellow, and not conscious of this nor any defect . 他是個自高自大的家伙,但他自己沒有意識到這點,也沒有感覺到自己有何缺點。

He seemed conscious of possessing a keener power of enjoyment than other people . 他似乎意識到自己具有比別人更敏銳的鑒賞能力。

As they regarded each other, andrew was conscious of a constraint between them . 他們互相諦視著,安德魯感到,倆人都有些局促。

Naturally i, a child of both worlds, am conscious of these relationships . 作為兩個世界的后裔,我當然意識到了這些關系。

They were no longer so conscious of the foreboding wilderness before them . 他們已經不太理會面前這片不祥的荒山野地了。

She was conscious of everyone in the room regarding her with incredulity . 她可以感到,屋里所有的人難以置信地望著她。

She was indignant with his presumption and self-satisfaction and conscious rectitude . 她惱火他的傲慢自滿和自以為是。

Her mother surveyed her admiringly, conscious of her imperious mood . 她的母親覺出了她那傲慢的情調,贊賞地觀察著她。

Lapham has recently become conscious of the need to move in good society . 拉帕姆最近意識到躋身于上流社會的必要。

All at once he became conscious of a smart blow upon his buttocks . 突然之間,他覺得他的屁股上很疼地挨了一下打。

He was conscious of colouring, and was annoyed at his boyishness . 他感到一陣臉紅,覺得自己太幼稚因而很煩惱。

He was confused, painfully conscious of his inarticulateness . 他被弄糊涂了,痛苦地覺得自己講得真的語無倫次。

Projection takes place with a minimum of awareness or conscious control . 投射在最少的知覺或意識控制下發生。

Most listeners are not sufficiently conscious of this third plane . 多數聽眾并沒有充分地意識到這第三層次。