
conscience n.良心。 a bad [guilty] conscie...

conscience money

He has purchased my time, but not even his wealth can purchase my conscience too . 布萊克先生收買了我的時間;可是,哪怕他用盡全部家私,也收買不了我的良心。

He was free after that to spend the rest of each day lying around idly with a clear conscience . 這件事情做完后,她就成天心安理得,無所事事地躺在那兒。

It made him terribly uncomfortable and guilty, having, beyond most boys, a conscience . 這使他感到極度的不安和內疚,因為和多數的男孩子不同,他有良心。

The conscience of arbaces was solely of the intellect-it was awed by no moral laws . 阿耳巴刻斯的良心完全受著他智力的支配。它從不懼怕道德方面的法律。

A man who has nothing to do with his own time has no conscience in his intrusion on that of others . 一個自己無所事事的人竟然一點不知道他打擾了別人。

This was why she did not plead with him to relax his conscience and do as other people did . 她所以沒有要求他昧著良心照別的人一樣做,也就是這個道理。

Those “shameless“ people who choose to live in unearned idleness have a good conscience too . 那些樂意過不勞而獲的悠閑歲月的“無恥”之徒也心安理得。

His conscience was pacified by the resolution of inviting his sisters an other year . 既已決定在另一年里邀請他的妹妹作客,他的良心也就獲得了安寧。

Despite his heterodoxy, faults, and weaknesses, he was a man with a conscience . 雖然克萊不顧世俗,有許多缺點,許多毛病,但是他卻是個有良心的人。

What we are seeing and sharing is a social revolution of conscience and behaviour . 我們當前親眼目睹并參與其中的是一場涉及良心和行為的社會革命。

Corporate conscience is a term used to represent this development in managerial behaviour . 公司意識就是用來代表管理行為的發展的一個名詞。

The picture, changed or unchanged, would be to him the visible emblem of conscience . 不論畫幅是否改變,對他來說都成了良心的可辨識的標志。

The unions have acted the way they have because they've a social conscience . 這些工會之所以這樣做,是因為他們有一種社會道德心。

His conscience is pricking him now that he realizes what he has done . 他因為已經認識到了自己的所作所為,所以在良心上深感不安。

My conscience will hardly permit me to dissuade him from his severe decision . 我的良心幾乎不允許我去說服他拋棄他的嚴正的決定。

How terrible it was to think that conscience could raise such fearful phantom . 想到良心竟會喚醒如此可怕的幽靈,真是嚇人。

Relate only what in your conscience you think necessary for me to hear . 請您只講那些您從良心上認為需要講給我聽的話吧。

He doesn't have to go into this thing, if it's against his conscience . 如果他覺得這樣干違背他的良心,他可以不必參加。

And then you won't have your conscience to deal with afterwards, either . 這樣你以后良心上也就不會有什么負擔了。