
consanguinity n.1.血族,血緣,血親,親族。2.密切關系。短語和例子...


3 、 settlement and prototype of the hakka house of huang family . analyzing universal characters of hakka clan and architecture , the connection of consanguinity , historical origin , social organization of huang family , this part discusses the formation , development , structural model of settlement and prototype , cultural character , evolvement of the hakka house of huang family 3 、黃氏宗族客家住屋型制與聚落,在分析了客家家族和建筑的一般性特征以及黃氏宗族血緣關系、歷史淵源、社會組織后,探討了黃氏宗族聚落的形成、發展、結構形態與單體建筑的型制、文化特征及演變。

The influence embodies itself in the following : the strengthening of the national identity through this inheritance ; the inheritance of the ethnic origin , genealogy and name as the core content ; special needs for special cultural inheritance to ensure its effective inheritance ; the traits of consanguinity and deification formed in the process due to its peculiarities 云南特困民族傳統精神文化對文化傳承的影響主要體現為:為達到通過精神文化的傳承來強化認同意識的目的,族源、族譜、族稱的傳承成為文化傳承中的重要核心內容;為保證精神文化的有效傳承,對文化傳承的方式提出了特殊的要求;傳統精神文化的獨特性使傳承過程形成了血緣性和神化性的特點。

The analogy from god to king is closely related to the chu cultural background of mythical legends and the integration of gods and witches , which is the remnants of the chu people ' s original memory of the primeval clan ancestor changpu shi and gives expression to the consanguinity of clan relatives between the poets and the kings 從喻于司命之神,再喻于君,都與楚國的神話傳說和神巫合一的文化背景密切相關,殘留著楚人對遠古氏族祖先昌仆氏的原始記憶,表現了詩人與君同祖的血緣宗親情感。

After summarizing the theories and empirical analysis , this paper concludes how the geography position , resource , entrepreneur resource and the guanxi capital of the consanguinity , regional network and industry network compound the capital , technology , raw and processed materials and information in the priod of the creation of the medium and small enterprise cluster , in order to decrease the trading cost of the enterprises , reduce the uncertainty of the trade . there are some differences between former reseaches and this paper 在理論總結和實證分析的基礎上,本文歸納出粵東地區的地理位置、資源稟賦、初始條件,以及本地區獨特的企業家資源和血緣、地緣、業緣等關系性資本在中小企業集群的形成過程中是如何組合所需要的資金、技術、原材料、信息等物質性要素,從而降低企業的交易成本,減少交易的不確定性,使中小企業集群得以迅速的形成和壯大。

The traditional management ideology of chinese family business has such business as priority of consanguinity and kinship , and superiority of family interest , which , to some extent , provide some precious and valuable cultural resources for the business administration of contemporary family business in china . with further development of globalization and market - oriented economy , however , there comes the contrast and conflict between such traditional ethics and the modern business administration ethics . therefore , the sustainable development of contemporary family business requires badly the establishment of a set of ethical value system , which must have binding force , guiding force and regulating force as well as conforms to the modern business administration so as to promote self - reflection , self - criticism , self - creation and self - development of family business , to enhance its independence , discipline and awareness , to activate its internal potential and ethical strength 盡管以血緣優先、親情至上,家族利益第一為核心的傳統中國家族企業管理倫理思想在某種程度上為當代中國家族企業管理提供了某種寶貴的有價值的文化資源,但隨著全球化和市場經濟的縱深發展,這種傳統的家族倫理思想與現代企業管理倫理呈現出巨大的差異和沖突,當代中國家族企業的持續發展迫切需要建立一套與現代企業管理相適應的,具有約束力、指導力和規范力的倫理價值體系,以促進家族企業的自我反思、自我批判、自我創新和自我發展的實踐能力,提升中國家族企業管理的自主性、自律性和自覺性,激活中國家族企業管理的內在潛力和倫理優勢,使家族企業獲得新的更為廣闊的發展空間,繼續發揮其對中國經濟發展的重要作用。

This paper brings forward the mix mode , which combines the informal principle represented by consanguinity , region network , industry network and the market justice trade principle through reasonable preference , influences the creation and development of the medium and small enterprise cluster . at the same time , this paper also more deeply analyses the influence of industry of the enterprises to the medium and small enterprise cluster 與以往的研究不同的是,本文特別提出了以血緣、地緣、業緣為代表的非正式規則同以理性利益取向為核心的市場公平交易規則相結合的混合模式對中小企業集群形成和發展的巨大影響的觀點;同時,本文也更加深入的探討了產業的選擇對中小企業集群產生和可持續發展的影響。

When the seigneur swore fealty to gods on the feudal ceremony , the king had got a permanent affiliation with the seigneur except lineal consanguinity , which was supervised by gods every time 周公東征之后,盟誓成為構建西周國家政權的重要組織形式,使諸侯與天子建立了宗法血緣關系之外依靠神靈監督效忠的政治從屬關系。

The resurrection of clan force results hi many aspects . mainly include : 1 ) the revival of clan and consanguinity ideology , which is the psychological elements and external surroundings of it 宗族勢力的復活,原因是我方面的,這主要是: 1 、宗族血緣觀念的回潮,這是宗族勢力復活的心理基礎與大背景。

China ' s traditional confucian doctrine of rule of virtue stemmed from consanguinity and patriarchal system in ancient times and had solid social foundation 傳統儒家的“德治”思想根源于中國古代的血緣宗法關系之上,有著堅實的社會基礎。

Consequently , the relationship between them was not only that of consanguinity but also of rights and obligations stipulated by laws 利益關系的牽扯,促使雙方關系的展開常與彼此的經濟狀況或宗族觀念的強弱相呼應。

This is a very affecting story , it is not necessary for us to make clear their relationship : son , friend , wife or consanguinity . . . 這是個感人的故事,真的不必去想它們之間的關系:親子,朋友,異性,手足. .

The worship of ancestry is a product of combining the worship of ghost with the concept of consanguinity 摘要祖先崇拜是鬼魂崇拜和人的血親觀念相結合的產物,積淀著人類思維發展過程的?

State establishes one ' s identity through law and this identity is related both to consanguinity and to hierarchy 國家通過法律確定人的身份,這種身份既有血緣的又有等級的。

The extensive study on bombyx mori spurred the investigation of its consanguinity variety - bombyx mandarina 蠶學研究的深入促進了家蠶近緣種?野桑蠶的研究。

Magmatic consanguinity analysis of the muchen intrusion and xishantou formation volcanic rocks in zhejiang 浙江沐塵巖體與西山頭組火山巖的巖漿同源性分析

They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity 然而,他們也同樣地把這正義的、血肉之親的呼吁置若罔聞。

They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity 但是他們對于這種正義和血緣的呼聲,也同樣充耳不聞。

The identity in the primitive society was based on consanguinity 原始社會存在身份,但這種身份是建立在血緣基礎之上的。

They too have been deaf to the voce of justice and of consanguinity 但是,他們對這種正義的,血肉之親的呼吁置若罔聞。