
consanguineous adj.血親的,近親的,同血統的。 a consangu...


The terrain effect force wind ' s speed reducing and wind ' s direction turning to left with contrasting the experiments of numerical simulation the text analyses the structure and microcosmic character of sea wind in zhoushan maritime space and consanguineous connection between sea wind and action of dynamical and thermodynamic . the task gets the result of case a by using t213 datum of weather center and contrasts it with the actual sea wind . the task establish a foundation in order to use this mode in the environmental forecasting 通過數值模擬對比試驗,分析了舟山海域海面風的結構和微觀特征,以及海面風與動力作用(復雜地形)和熱力作用(海陸熱力差異)之間的密切關系。進一步利用國家氣象中心提供的t213高分辨率預報場檢驗海面風風場的數值預報效果,最后將其結果與實際觀測作比較,為將該模式投入環境(海流,海浪,風暴潮等)動力預報奠定基礎。

China , japan and korea are the important trade partners to each other , and the coordination and cooperation among them in regional and international affairs are much strengthened because these three countries are neighbors in geography , reciprocal in economy , consanguineous trade cooperation and friendly visiting more frequently than ever 三國地理相鄰,經濟互補性強,經濟合作不斷加強,人員往來日益頻繁,已經成為重要的經貿伙伴,在地區和國際事務上的協調與合作不斷加強。

The relationship between average income of peasant ( pai ) and average agriculture production value ( apv ) , index of purchasing price of farm product ( epp ) and proportion of non - agricultural laborer ( pnl ) is analyzed using the data from yzredbf in 1996 - 2000 . result shows that apv is the most consanguineous , and the increasing of pal depends not just on the increasing of ipp 利用yzremis查得的數據,分析了“九五”期間揚州市農民人均純收入與人均農林牧漁產值、農副產品收購價格指數、非農勞動力比例的關系,結果表明人均農林牧漁產值的影響最大,農民收入的增長已不再單純依靠農副產品收購價格的提高。

The capital structure of chinese listed companies is consanguineous to macro economy system . this chapter analyzes institutional background of capital structures of chinese listed companies so as to provide realistic background for the choice of capital structures of chinese listed companies and theoretical foundation . it is helpful to understand the underling institutional factors of determinants of capital structure . as an independent economic body , the listed company makes behavior decisons which 我國上市公司之所以出現如此的融資結構,是與我國宏觀經濟制度有密切聯系的。本文對中國上市公司融資結構制度背景進行了分析,以便為解釋公司融資結構的選擇提供現實背景和理論依據。上市公司作為一獨立的經濟主體,其行為是對環境約束的反應。

Parent - child communication is , on the basis of parents and children ' s consanguineous relationships , under the created unique family situation , based upon own role orientation and different attitudes , needs , the process which use all kind of communicate ways to convey information and communicating emotions 親子溝通是父母與子女雙方主體在親緣關系的基礎上,在共同創造的獨特家庭情境中,基于各自的角色定位和不同的態度、需要,運用各種溝通方式傳遞信息、交流感情的過程。

It is depended on improve productive force greatly , deeply innovation in country economic system , promote the development and radical transformation in country economy ; agglomerating the individual production through the induction , demonstration , severing for farmers , construct new kind of collaborated organization in agriculture , transferring mini - production into big production , relying on broad , dense and industrialized road ; increasing the investment in agriculture , reducing the burden on peasants , help them solve the practical problems met in reality ; developing country enterprise , promoting the opening of countryside , harmonize the mobilization of agriculture population , get rid of the consanguineous and geographic surroundings of clan force relying on H經濟增長方式的根本性改變;通過對農民進行引導、示范和服務,把個體的生產聯系起來,組建新型的農業合作組織,變小生產為大生產,走規模化、集約化、產業化的道路;增加農業投入,切實減輕農民負擔,幫助農民解訣在生產和生活中碰到的實際困難和問題:大力發展鄉鎮企業,加快農村對外開放韻步伐,促進農業人口的合理流動,打破宗族勢力賴以存在的血緣地緣環境。第二,要大力加強鄉鎮基層政權建設。

Firstly , this thesis proceeds with development overview of distribution and distribution model , has introduced the consanguineous connection between chain supermarket and logistic distribution . by analyze the current status of chain retail trade in our country and other developed countries , author put forward some problems in chain supermarket ’ s distribution model 本文從連鎖超市的發展入手,首先簡單介紹了配送、配送模式的概念和我國連鎖超市物流配送的特點,通過對國內外連鎖零售業的配送發展狀況及配送模式的現狀進行分析,指出了我國連鎖超市配送模式出現的問題。

The second section : the concerning regulations in the civil law countries “ legislation . in the part , the author dissertates the evolution of eigentumerhypothek in the respective of history , and compares the concerning provisions between the civil law countries . ultimately , the thesis comes to the conclusion that which type of eigentumerhypothek the legislation adopts is consanguineous to legislative context and intention 第二部分各國立法例上的所有人抵押權在這個部分,筆者從歷史發展的角度論述了所有人抵押權的沿革,并就大陸法系主要國家和地區民法的相關規定進行了比較研究,最后得出結論認為各國立法采納何種類型的所有人抵寸甲權與其立法背景和立法目的有著相當的關系。

Meanwhile , the change of temperature can bring many problems and temperature has consanguineous relation to the production and life of people , so using finite element numerical method to realize the numerical analysis analog of temperature field has great directive significance to optimum design and safety production 同時,溫度的變化會引發許多問題,溫度與人們的日常生產和生活息息相關,利用數值計算方法實現溫度場的數值分析模擬對優化設計和安全生產具有重大的指導意義。

Photosynthesis and transpiration have no obvious difference between different age s . viciifolia , but they have consanguineous physiological responses to environmental factors such as photon flux density , air temperature and the content of soil water . compared with caraganar , s . viciifolia formed the physiological mechanics of less photosynthetic rate and less tranpiration rate to resist drought 狼牙刺的凈光合速率同光合有效輻射、大氣溫度和二氧化碳濃度之間沒有顯著相關性,與土壤含水量顯著正相關;蒸騰作用與光合有效輻射、土壤含水量及空氣溫度有很好的正相關性,與大氣濕度有負相關性。

In the paper , the relationships are introduced between gases category , and content dissolved in transformer oil and the destroy degree and fault style . the author have a deep research on the method of grey clustering , and classify together about consanguineous samples when giving attention to the sample characteristics “ complexity and illegibility , so the system can realize expectant aims on the bases of lesser information . the analysis of instances testifies that the implement of theory of grey clustering on fault diagnosis in transformer is effective and the calculation is convenient 針對目前電力變壓器故障診斷方法的現狀,特別是對結構復雜的大型電力變壓器等電氣設備的故障診斷,首要的問題是如何根據反映變壓器故障特征量指標來正確判斷待診設備是哪一類故障,作者對灰色聚類方法原理進行詳細分析,在兼顧樣品特征的復雜性和模糊性的基礎上,依據樣本一定的特征因素,使兩樣本間關系比較密切、相似程度比較大的同屬一類,把一個不甚明確的整體信息不足的灰色系統盡可能地淡化、白化、量化、優化和模型化,以便能依據較少信息實現預期的目的。

The growth condition of artificial locust woodland has the consanguineous relativity between soil water content , which have been the key factor effected forest growth , so we must saw about the soil water eco - environment in different site types when arraying the forest and grass construction . 4 . in order to exploit the trend and rule of vegetation 總之,黃土高原的土壤水分生態環境總體上處于干旱缺水的狀態,在這種水分背景下,水分作為植物生存的基本生活因子,在黃土高原地區具有其特殊的生態學意義,它不僅影響植物的個體發育,而且決定著植物的類型,并限制植被的分布。

The first one may be that the kinship terminology have experienced great change , so they can not be explained by the consanguineous and marital form . the second one may be that the kinship terminology are not originally decided or affected by consanguineous and marital form 導致這種現象的原因可能是由于親屬稱謂歷經變異,現在已經很難從婚姻或血緣的角度來解釋,也可能是婚姻和血緣本來就不能完全決定親屬稱謂。

The analysis revealed that consanguineous and marital form can not explain all of the kinship terminology , and some of the kinship terminology have to be explained in other ways . there are two reasons that may caused this phenomenon 分析發現,婚姻關系和血緣關系對漢族和藏族親屬稱謂有明顯而深刻的影響,但婚姻關系和血緣關系并不能解釋全部的親屬稱謂,有些親屬稱謂必須從其他角度加以解釋。

At present , many enterprises establish consanguineous connection with collaboration factory to reduce the measure of input inspection , and lead to lower produce cost , reduce quality risk , achieve the interdependent and developmental intention 在國外,目前許多企業是通過與協作廠家建立密切的信任關系來減少入檢手段,從而降低生產成本,減少質量風險,以達到相互依存、共同發展的目的。

Point to namely suffer hire personnel and unit of choose and employ persons to have spouse concern , lineal and consanguineous relation , 3 acting less than about personnel of collateral line and consanguineous relation or close marriage relation , should carry out evasive 就是指受聘人員與用人單位有關人員有夫妻關系、直系血親關系、三代以內旁系血親關系或近姻關系的,應該執行回避。

The control of the reactive power and the voltage has consanguineous connection with the stability and economy of the power system . but the effective control of the reactive power and the voltage depend on the accurate measurement of the reactive 同時無功功率和電壓的控制對提高系統運行的穩定性和經濟性有重要意義,但有效的無功功率和電壓的控制取決于無功功率的準確測量。

There are remarkable energy saving benefits of variable speed control of pump / fan , and it is deemed to be the best , but there is consanguineous relationship between variable speed energy - saving benefits of pump / fan and pipeline characteristics 泵/風機的變速調節因有顯著的節能效益,被認為是最好的調節方式,但這種方式的節能效益與管路特性有著密切的關系。

As one of the core projects of global change research , the study of land use / land cover change has attracted the cosmopolitan interest related to the consanguineous interactions between nature and human being 作為全球變化研究中的核心項目,土地利用土地覆蓋變化是全球變化研究中自然與人文交叉最為密切的問題,已經成為一個世界性的研究課題。