
conquistador n.(pl. conquistadors, conqui...


In rodot s yvonne and madeleine newmake their tumbled beauties , shattering with gold teeth chaussons of pastry , their mouths yellowed with the pus of flan breton . faces of paris men go by , their wellpleased pleasers , curled conquistadores 羅德的店鋪里,伊凡妮和瑪德琳用金牙嚼著油酥餅97 ,嘴邊被布列塔尼蛋糕98的濃汁99沾黃了,脂粉一塌糊涂,正在重新打扮。

Cortes arrives in 1519 with a small , elite force of conquistadors and must rely on his motherland of spain for the reinforcements and supplies that will help him survive and explore these new lands 1519年考特斯帶領一支由征服者組成的小型精銳部隊抵達,他們必須依靠祖國西班牙增援和補給,這將幫助他們生存并開拓這些新的領地。

Tsui hark himself has in fact poked fun at the notion in swordsman iii : the east is red 1993 , in which a group of spanish conquistadors discuss it without offering a conclusion 徐克自己也曾為此在東方不敗風云再起1993中開了一個玩笑,片中一群西班牙人議論紛紛江湖是何所指,說了半天仍沒有結論。

The spanish conquistadors established the region as a centre of pottery production because of the abundance of good quality clay nearby 因為充滿豐富的高品質黏土,西班牙征服者把這個地區建立為陶器生產的中心。

Ametrine was introduced to europe through the conquistador s gifts to the spanish queen 引進歐洲,當成貢獻給西班牙王后的禮物。

Accompany spanish conquistadores as they discover the grand canyon 參與西班牙人探險隊發現大峽谷的情況