
conquest n.1.征服;獲得(物);贏得(物);征服地,占領地。2...


The “ chess conquest “ is a wild mix of classic chess game and rpg 你正參加一場狂歡節的彩彈球射擊大賽。

The conquest of cancer is imminent 癌癥的征服為期不遠。

In his conquest of the known world , 在他征服世界個過程中,

He is one of her many conquests 她傾倒眾生,他是其中之一

Her beauty won her many conquests 她的美貌贏得許多崇拜者。

Watch ' s brandt ' s conquest from afar , 從遠處看著勃蘭特的性虐

She ' s one of his numerous conquests 她是他眾多的愛情俘虜之一。

His conquest was not a difficult one 他未花多大氣力就征服了她。

David : from william conquest , french was the official language 從威廉征服開始,就是官方語言。

Alexander pushed his conquests still farther east 亞歷山大將他所征服的地區擴展到更遠的東方。

Newspapers ran only brief reports on zhang ' s conquest 報紙只用一個簡短的文字報道了張的勝利

This land is ours by right of conquest 這塊土地是我們攻占得來的。

John ' s family traces back to the norman conquest 約翰的家世可追溯到諾曼人征服英國的時代。

The basic aim of this institution is the conquest of disease 本協會的基本宗旨是征服疾病。

They succeeded in the conquest of the city 他們成功地征服了這座城市。

Feeling like one of those conquests himself 意欲自己也能成為性虐的主角

His family traces back to the norman conquest 他的家世可追溯到諾曼人征服英國的時代。

They claimed the island by right of conquest 他們由于戰勝而占有那個島嶼。

We shall have taken our first great step to conquest 我們為成功走出了堅實的第一步