
conquerable adj.可征服的;能贏得的;能克服的。


Study on the psychology and mental salvation of the urban vulnerable groups can help them know their problem that they are faced . it can help them take scientific and rational attitude to treat temporarily inextricable phenomenon and unable conquerable problem . it cannot bring on panic psychology 對城市弱勢群體心態和心理救助進行研究,它有利于幫助人們正確認識所面臨的問題,對暫時無法解決的現象或者自己無法克服的問題采取比較科學和理性的態度,不至于出現心理恐慌,同時得到更深層次的心理需求。

The traditional neural networks , bp networks , are subject to three hardly conquerable drawbacks in network training and network design a long time , including slow training speed , the training tending to sinking into local minimum and the trained networks having poor generalization capability 傳統的神經網絡( bp網絡)在網絡訓練和網絡設計上長期受困于三個難以克服的缺陷,即網絡訓練速度慢、訓練易陷入局部極小點和網絡學習的推廣性能差。

Cancer will be conquerable in the foreseeable future 在可以預見的將來癌癥將可以征服。