
conquer vt.1.征服;攻克;打敗(敵人)。2.克服(困難等),...


Transportation has conquered the vastness of the land and brought together people living thousands of kilometers apart . 交通運輸已經克服了土地的幅員遼闊,相隔千里的人因此仿佛毗鄰而居。

To conquer we have need to dare, to dare again, ever to dare! and the safety of france is insured . 要爭服一切,我們就需要勇敢、更勇敢,永遠勇敢!這樣,法蘭西的安全就能得到保障。

His words were all uttered with a fine geniality of eye and manner which went far to conquer my distrust . 他說那些話時,目光相當和藹、態度極其溫和。這大大地消除了我的猜疑心理。

This great development of air and sea transport has largely conquered the size of the pacific . 海上和空中運輸的巨大發展,已使太平洋顯得遠不像往日那么廣闊無垠了。

The conquering japanese armies had halted at the great mountain ranges that separate burma from india . 進攻的各路日軍停留在把緬甸和印度分隔開的巍峨的山脈前面。

The grave danger was that the nazis would produce atomic bombs and literally conquer the world . 嚴重的危險是納粹將會生產出原子彈,而確實又想征服世界。

Having now done so much, he began to turn his eyes elsewhere for other field to conquer . 他現在既已收了這么大的效果,就轉向別處尋找別的領域去征服了。

They were hanging onto the conquered territories like a man hanging on to the tail of a tiger . 他們抱住已征服的地區,好比一個人抱住一只老虎的尾巴。

In the wake of developments in science and technology , man has become more capable of conquering nature .. 人們征服自然的能力也越來越強了。

Once france was prostrate, he must if possible conquer or destroy great britain . 法國一經投降,只要可能,他就必然要征服或毀滅大不列顛。

I knew that i had conquered him, had rid myself of him mentally and emotionally . 我知道我征服了他,無論從精神上還是感情上都擺脫了他。

The people of the conquered country settled in a slow, silent, waiting revenge . 被占領區的人民決定采取一種慢吞吞地默默等待著的方法。

I ought to have known that you would conquer in the long run, living like this . 我本應該就明白,象現在這樣下去,你早晚要取勝的。

Conquering armies and countless traders from the east and west passed through it . 出征的軍隊和來自東西方的無數商人都經過這里。

He did not like being dragged into a european war for germany to conquer poland . 他并不愿意因為德國要征服波蘭而卷入歐洲戰爭。

Who could count the times annie tried , failed , and then conquered ? 誰能算出安妮經過了多少次嘗試,失敗,最后取得了勝利的呢?

They conquered normal human sloth together on a cold winter's morning . 在一個嚴寒的冬天早晨,他們一道戰勝了人類的通病懶惰。

The country people turned out to meet and hail with joy the conquering hero . 全國人民都出來迎接,向這位凱旋的英雄歡呼。

Their knowledge is a great aid and advantage in conquering unsolved problems . 他們的知識對解決懸而未決的問題大有裨益。