
connubial adj.婚姻的,結婚的;夫婦的;配偶的。 connubi...


During early qing dynasty , government put forward “ not vassal a marquis in south country , and keeping the connubial relationship in north country “ , many imperial princess married mongolia marquis for the policy of manchuria mongolia form an alliance by marriage 清朝初年,一大批皇家公主為了響應朝廷的“南不封王,北不斷親”的滿蒙聯姻政策,下嫁到草原大漠。

An exquisite dulcet epithalame of most mollificative suadency for juveniles amatory whom the odoriferous flambeaus of the paranymphs have escorted to the quadrupedal proscenium of connubial communion 63此首絕妙而優美動聽之喜歌,給予年輕情侶莫大慰藉及信念。

But no such happy marriage could now teach the admiring multitude what connubial felicity really was 可惜這件幸福的婚姻已經不可能實現,天下千千萬萬想要締結真正幸福婚姻的情人,從此也錯過了一個借鑒的榜樣。

The eternal question of the life connubial , needless to say , cropped up 不消說,永遠存在于夫婦生活中的那個問題就出現了。

The desolateness overcame all his connubial fearshe called loudly for his wife and children . 這種荒涼的感覺壓倒了他的一切懼內心理他大聲喊他的老婆和孩子。

Her absence had brought about danger to edward's connubial happiness . 她的不在已經給愛德華幸福的婚姻帶來危險。

Hogan told me he had tasted the joys of connubial bliss . 霍根告訴我他已經嘗到了比翼雙飛的快樂。