
connote vt.1.暗示,指點。2.含蓄,包含;意味;【邏輯學】內...


The discussion here is mainly conduted on two aspects : one is the influence on the cond and directions of mass cultur from its connoted ideology , sense of value and life attitudes . the other is the esseniial contrary between the socialist mainstreaxn culture and the conunerciality woridliness and recreationality of mass culture 對此論述主要從兩方面展開,一方面即其內含的意識形態、價值觀念和生活態度對當代中國大眾文化在內容、方向方面的影響,另一方面即其商業性、世俗性、娛樂性與社會主義主導文化在本質上的相悖。

But the results of gray system such as absolute degree of gray incidence and matrix of absolute degree of incidence can be taken as the pleased solution of correlation coefficient and correlation matrix in the frame of statistics , as they have the statistical connote , so we can use the statistical method to handle the results until we abstain the pleased solution of what we want 對于“灰”性較大的數據,顯然是首選灰色系統的方法,但用灰色方法處理后的結果,如灰色關聯度、灰色關聯度矩陣等,可以看作是統計范疇內的相關系數、相關陣的滿意解或近似解,仍具有統計范疇內的相關系數、相關陣的內涵。

Although han kang - bo ' s annotation on “ ( the interaction between ) yin and yang is called the dao “ plays an important role in his ideology , there are defects in the general understanding on han ' s annotation which holds that the dao connotes nonbeing , whereas yin and yang connote being , so yin - yang is not the dao , while the dao is the source of the existence of yin and yang 摘要韓康伯關于“一陰一陽之謂道”的注解在其思想體系當中具有重要地位,但是,目前的闡釋還有不足之處,只注意到韓注思想的一個方面道是“無” ,陰陽是“有” ,所以,陰陽不是道,道是陰陽存在的根據。

Meanwhile , the model considers in the modern stock market , any information about macro economic , industry and enterprise conditions will be reflect to the undulation of the stock price , furthermore , which implicates the evidence of changes for the company ' s credit risk . and at the same time , the kmv model also considers there is a certain relationship between the stock price ' s undulation and that of the company ' s value connotes Kmv模型認為,在現代股票市場中,公司股價的波動之中反映了有關宏觀經濟狀況、行業以及公司內部經營成果的信息,因而蘊含著關于該公司信用風險變化的內在證據,同時又認為公司股票價值波動率與公司資產價值波動率之間存在某種函數關系。

Many interpretive legal presumptive rules , subject to the common rules , are used for the examination of the application for bio - tech inventions patents . furthermore , the new or novelty . distinctness , uniformity and stability requirements for the grant of the breeder ' s right in the upovc approximately but not exactly express the long - established requirements for the grant of patents . clearly , the articles of the scope of the breeder ' s right connote the inventive step requirement for the grant thereof 然而由于生物技術的特性使然,生物技術發明的可專利性審查還是使用了大量的闡釋性法律推定規則,但是這絲毫不表明生物技術發明的可專利性分析是在傳統專利制度外另立爐灶,恰好相反,這些法律推定規則正是傳統專利制度可專利性審查普遍規則的闡釋形式并受普遍規則的驗證和補充。

But chinese names invariably connote a long list of ideas and expectations , some even carry the parents memory of , and metaphor for , life . a name not only conveys a basic attitude and character , but can also be a value statement for one to succeed in life and make a name for himself 偏偏華文名老愛附帶一長串的期待和意義,甚至承載了父母看待生命的某種隱喻和記憶,名字不但是一種人格的基本態度,還可能引伸成為安身立命的價值,變成一個沉重的負擔。

Hilton s vivid description of the environment emotionally moved readers from all over the world and now we use the word “ shangri - la “ to connote peacefulness , luck , timelessness , and beauty . recent scholarship has unequivocally confirmed that diqing is the home of “ shangri - la “ described in hilton s book 書中描寫的故事和環境,深深的打動了全世界的讀者,使香格里拉名聲遠播,成為和平、寧靜、吉祥、永恒的象征,為世人向往敬慕。

The names of the characters , like jinshan , tianqing , also have specific association with different colors that connote their social and moral status brilliantly farquhar p . 336 . in terms of the point - of - view structure and the concept of male gaze , shuqin cui s analysis is comprehensive 港人又一向急功近利,只對能?快錢的學科如經濟商業有興趣,就是明知不是自己真正喜歡的行業,也一窩風地盲目追捧,卻不思考一下人生的真義。

Mr lien heng died in shanghai during the war against japanese aggression , and his last words were to name his future grandson lien chan , which connotes a ceaseless and self - strengthening spirit to subdue adversaries and attain victory . that was how dr lien chan came to be named 雅堂先生于抗戰前夕病逝上海,遺言欲將未來孫兒命名連戰,取其自強不息,克敵致勝之意,是為連戰一名之由來。

Scientists have identified patterns of genetic markers that can reveal a person ' s geographic ancestry ? a term they prefer to “ race , “ which they say is ambiguously defined and connotes social aspects as well as biology 科學家已經?視出基因標記的模式,這個可以揭露個人“地理學上的先祖” ,或是另一個他們更喜歡用的詞“種族” ,這個辭令科學家認為相當含糊不清的定義和暗示社會的觀點,亦如生物學一般。

I was surprised to learn that her name , sunny , which connotes a bright , warm disposition , is the same as the penname i recently adopted . she was named after her ancestors , while i took the name from one of masters parrots . what a coincidence 我最近才給自己取了一個英文筆名叫sunny ,我是根據我的中文筆名明白,再引用師父的一只鸚鵡的名字sunny來引申明白之意,而她的名字sunny則是歷代相傳而來。

The ethos connoted in the analects of confucius is the moral sense of “ governing with morals “ , the humanistic spirit of “ loving the people “ , the gentlemanly demeanor of “ behaving politely “ and the value orientation of applying what is experienced 《論語》內涵的民族精神主要是: “為政以德”的道德意識、 “仁者愛人”的人文品格、 “文質彬彬”的君子風范、經世致用的價值取向等等。

In periods including the renaissance of europe , establishment of neoteric geology , five - four new culture , geological revolution in sixties as well as the latter half of the 20th century , earth science culture connotes deeply 在歐洲文藝復興時期、近代地質學確立時期、五四新文化運動時期、六十年代地學革命時期和二十世紀下半葉,地球科學文化展示的文化底蘊意境深刻。

The phrase “ any 12 - month period commencing or ending in the taxable period concerned “ connotes two concepts , namely , that the number of days of presence may straddle over 2 years and that a floating calculation may be adopted 在有關納稅年度開始或終了的任何十二個月中這句子是有兩個含義的,一是可以跨年度計算有關的停留天數,二是可以移動計算。

Do you recall using those ancient computers that ran with the gopher program or some generic database whose name connoted a marmot that could take half an hour to find moby dick 你還記得使用那些古老的計算機,靠運行黃鼠工具程序,或者是一種名字意味著土撥鼠的某種數據庫,要花上半個小時的時間才能找到《大白鯊》這本小說嗎?

The essence of accounting shows that accounting connotes high content of information , while the development of computer and the internet technology contributes even higher content of information to accounting 摘要會計的本質決定了會計具有較高的管理信息含量,而計算機和互聯網技術的發展又賦予會計以較高的信息技術含量。

Used as metaphor , the juxtaposed terms connote specific or essential traits of the being they refer to , introducing a mode of poetry as an almost habitual form of expression 其翻譯是:并置的詞語被作為隱喻使用,可表達出它們所指代事物的具體或本質的特征,從而引入詩歌的模式作為一種幾乎是習以為常的表達方式。

The color of royalty , purple connotes luxury , wealth , and sophistication . it is also feminine and romantic . however , because it is rare in nature , purple can appear artificial 皇室的顏色,紫色意味著奢華,財富和復雜.它同樣象征著女性和浪漫.然而,因為它在自然界中很少見,紫色通常都是人為加工出來的

Although it basically belongs ot positive economics , it hasn ' t detached itself from ethics value judgement yet , on the contrary , it connotes a kind of philosophical thinking 《通論》雖然基本上屬于實證經濟學,但它并沒有完全超脫于倫理價值判斷之外,而是在其中蘊含了一種社會哲學的思考。