
connors n.康納(斯)〔姓氏〕。


Then , with yankees vice president of player personnel billy connors and pitching prospects phil hughes , jeff karstens , joba chamberlain , christian garcia and jose veras looking on , clemens tossed a simulated session with minor leaguers hector gonzalez and kevin smith acting as batters in the box 之后在洋基球員管理部副總康諾斯和新人投手休斯、卡斯坦、張伯倫、賈西亞和維拉斯環視之下,火箭人跟小聯盟打者岡薩勒斯和史密斯進行了一場模擬賽。

In 2004 , tennis ' s elder statesman became the oldest player to finish in the top ten since jimmy connors in 1988 2004年,網壇老將阿加西打破了一項世界記錄,成為自1988年吉米。

So it is rather surprising to me to beat jimmy connors ' 30 - year - old record today 所以,今天能夠打破康納斯30年來的紀錄我感到無比驚訝。

Dr . connors . sorry 康納斯博士.抱歉

Now i remember you . you ' re connors ' student . he tells me you ' re brilliant 我記起來了.你是康納斯的學生他告訴我你很聰明

It ' s connors ! where are you 我是康諾斯!你們在哪?

Move over a little further . connors 再讓讓,康納斯

Move it . connors , get those lights up 快,康納斯,打開那盞燈

Connors went down ( to becker ) by three sets to one 康納斯以三負一勝輸(給貝克爾)了