
connor n.康納(斯)〔姓氏〕。


Arnold schwarzenegger returns as the terminator , a cyborg sent back through time to join forces with sarah connor , a woman haunted by nightmares of mankind s inevitable nuclear destiny 上集機械電腦派出電子殺手欲殺害未來世界的人類領袖干納的母親莎拉,但失敗而回。

Behind him cashel boyle o connor fitzmaurice tisdall farrell with stickumbrelladustcoat dangling , shunned the lamp before mr law smith s house and , crossing , walked along merrion square 他避開勞史密斯先生家門前的路燈,穿過街道,沿著梅里恩方場走去。

Ochsenbine ' s 1 - year - old son , connor , also was in the house but was unharmed . ochsenbine ' s boyfriend and abby ' s father , james woods , was at work 奧切斯比拉1歲大的兒子克諾爾也在屋里,但沒有受到傷害。她的男友也就是艾比的父親詹姆斯?伍茲當時正在上班。

Badly wounded and feeling guilty at the loss of his companions , joe recuperates in hawaii where he is helped by a sympathetic nurse frances o connor 他們必須確保兩名發布員人身安全,然而若果發布員落在敵軍手上,他們可以不惜任何代價阻止。

Ian connor is a maintenance software engineer with ibm , working with the external support team to fix bugs from escalated support incidents Ian connor是ibm的維護軟件工程師,他與外部支持團隊合作,共同解決支持工作所遇到的問題。

“ these individuals have higher levels of vulnerability and tend to turn to food as an escape from self - awareness , “ o ' connor said 他說: “壓力會打亂人們正常的飲食習慣。 ”最易受此影響的人被稱為“情緒化食者” 。

“ these individuals have higher levels of vulnerability and tend to turn to food as an escape from self - awareness , “ o connor said 歐科諾博士說: “這些人的心理比較脆弱,往往會用吃東西的方法來分散自己的注意力。 ”

Connor : these are not polite suggestions , these are codes of behavior , and those of you that ignore them will pay the dearest cost 康納:這不是友善的建議,這是行為的法度,那些忽視它們的人將付出最沉重的代價。

Connor : for if you do , one day you will look behind you and you will see we three , and on that day you will reap it 康納:如果你這樣做了,有一天你回望身后,你將看到我們三人。在那天,你將收獲你所種下的惡果。

A second protector is send back to the past by the human resistance to protect john connor , their future leader , at all costs 上集機械電腦派出電子殺手欲殺害未來世界的人類領袖干納的母親莎拉,但失敗而回。

Bloom in dalmatic and purple mantle , to the bishop of down and connor with dignity . thanks , somewhat eminent sir 身穿加冕服,披著紫斗篷,威風凜凜地對唐郡兼康納主教謝謝你,多少有些名氣的閣下。

The same day , holmes feels no pier pressure from cruise ' s kids connor , 11 , and isabella , 13 , outside their bungalow 她與克魯斯的兩個孩子? ? 11歲的康納和13歲的伊莎貝拉玩得很開心。

This offer can be used in katie o connor s irish pub at hong kong international airport terminal 1 only 此優惠只適用于香港國際機場一號客運大樓的吉迪愛爾蘭酒吧。

John connor : no , its when theres nothing wrong with you , but you cry anyway . you get it 約翰:不全是,當你沒什么不舒服的時候,也會哭。你明白了么?

O ' connor ' s team of scientists were studying the impact of stress on eating habits 歐科諾博士及研究小組的科學家們研究了壓力對飲食習慣造成的影響。

O connor s team of scientists were studying the impact of stress on eating habits 歐?科諾博士及研究小組的科學家們研究了壓力對飲食習慣造成的影響。

Poor man o connor wife and five children poisoned by mussels here . the sewage 奧康納這個人好可憐哪,老婆和五個孩子在這兒都吃貽貝中毒死了。

Connor : each day we will spill their blood , ’ til it rains down from the skies 康納:每一天,我們都要讓他們血花飛濺,直至漫天血雨。

You ' re john connor 你是約翰.康納