
connoisseur n.(美術品的)鑒定家,行家,內行,權威 (in, of...


It was a brilliant and festive entertainment . connoisseurs declared that rarely had so many beauties been gathered together at one place 那真是一個快樂而輝煌的節日內行們說在一個地方這么多美人聚在一起是少見的。

There are excellent wines produced in california which are praised by european connoisseurs , but some americans prefer stronger stuff 加利福尼亞生產的優質葡萄酒得到歐洲的行家們的贊揚,但有些美國人更喜歡烈性酒。

Many more examples could be mentioned , but to come to the point : by chance , this concertgoer is a competent music connoisseur 還可以舉更多的例子,但得到達要點:偶然的時候,音樂會的參與者是有能力的音樂內行。

I am aware that some connoisseurs of single - malt scotches can discourse endlessly on the virtues of one scotch versus another 我知道,一些純麥芽威士忌的內行會為一種蘇格蘭威士忌是否比另一種好而爭論不休。

The wine , which comes from one of the 12 famous french castel wine estates , is a top aoc and sincere gift for chinese connoisseurs 來自法國卡斯特12處著名酒莊之一的頂級aoc ,至誠獻予中國鑒賞家。

The count led the gentlemen of the party to his room , calling their attention to his connoisseurs collection of turkish pipes 伯爵把幾位男客帶進書齋去,讓他們玩賞他所搜集的土耳其煙斗。

The seals of renowned connoisseurs can be compared to today s “ quality assurance “ systems 某些享譽盛名的鑒藏家的印章就好像現今流行的優質商標一樣,為所鈐的書畫提供品質保證。

Connoisseurs of rich mellow coffee with a complex fragrance are drawn to the sunny and leisurely harbor city 香醇豐富的口感與多變化的香氣,引領喜愛咖啡的朋友享受港都艷陽下的?適時光。

To connoisseurs of irony , who often find rich pickings in politics , last week ' s offering was a vintage one 對那些經常在政界發掘到豐富素材的譏諷行家們來說,上周的供料真是絕佳題材。

But whether they ' re art connoisseurs or just ice fanatics , the event helps them weather the cold , with a smile 但不論是內行或只是愛好者,這次冰雪節將會和他們一起共享寒冷之快樂!

With elegant aromas smooth mellow taste , it is loved by all the connoisseurs regarded as the perfect gift 百齡壇21年香甜醇和,爽滑如絲,被所有的鑒賞家所鐘愛,視為完美的禮品。

Sunshine night club the most glamorous and largest night club in shenzhen , the connoisseur and kada japanese restaurant 307間寬敞客房及套房,設備先進完善,充分配合客人所需。

For the connoisseur of ancient art , 6 rue verdaine in geneva ' s old town is a jewel to behold 對于善于?賞古典藝術的行家來說,日內瓦舊城區里的佛爾登街6號可以說是一個寶庫。

There they are . come , m . debray , you are a connoisseur , i believe , let me have your opinion upon them . 來,德布雷先生,我想您是位鑒賞家,讓我來聽聽您對它們的看法吧。 ”

A glance at the walls of his salon proved to franz and albert that he was a connoisseur of pictures 一看他客廳里的墻壁,弗蘭茲和阿爾培就知道他是一個美術愛好者。

As connoisseurs of recent italian scandals know , phone - tapping is often central to the unfolding drama 最近意大利的八卦熱心者都知道,電話竊聽成了場上的主角。

He went through pots of salve and had become a connoisseur of priests , healers , and potions 他長期泡在藥罐子里,于是也成為了一名內行的牧師、醫師和藥劑師。

My friends who have learnt italian or french have not suddenly become connoisseurs and romantic 學過意大利文或法文的朋友,不會突然變成鑒賞家或變得更浪漫。

It was a connoisseur ' s article , not bad , but again , of no value to us , because we only deal in gold 因為她是在昨天出了亂子之后來的,所以我接待她很嚴肅。