
connive vi.1.假裝不見;默許,縱容,放任 (at)。2.共謀...


Two workers of a building construction company were each sentenced to 160 hours of community service for conniving at their false claims of wages totalling about 10 , 000 . they are also ordered to return 6 , 900 and 2 , 700 respectively to their employer 一間建筑公司的兩名工人,因互相隱瞞以虛假資料申領約共一萬元的工資,各被判須履行一百六十小時社會服務,并須分別向前雇主歸還六千九百元及二千七百元。

The maroon had connived at his escape in a shore boat some hours ago , and he now assured us he had only done so to preserve our lives , which would certainly have been forfeit if that man with the one leg had stayed aboard 是這個放荒灘的水手在幾個鐘頭以前放他坐駁船逃走的。本噶恩要我們相信,他這樣做純粹是為了保住我們的性命,要是“那個只有一條腿的人留在船上” ,我們總有一天會死在他手上。

These are all the forms of expression of moral hazard that depositors weaken the selection and supervision to the banks , banks insured prefer to taking up the high risk activities and the regulation agency connives at banks to bear the excessive risk 存款人弱化對銀行的選擇和監督、投保銀行傾向于從事高風險活動、監管機構縱容銀行承擔過度的風險,這些都是道德風險的表現形式。

When britain and france connived at hitler ' s aggression and sacrificed austria and czechoslovakia , the soviet union spared no effort in exposing the sinister aims behind the munich policy and made proposals to britain and france for checking further aggression 當英法兩國犧牲奧國和捷克縱容希特勒侵略的時候,蘇聯就竭力揭穿慕尼黑政策的黑幕,向英法提議制止侵略的進一步的發展。

Six serving assistant hawker control officers ahcos and one former ahco of the food and environmental hygiene department were charged for conniving at “ scapegoat “ plots and arresting substitutes for illegal hawking at marble road , north point 六名現職及一名前任食物環境衛生署助理小販管理主任,在北角馬寶道執行職務時容許小販安排其他人士頂包接受拘捕,被廉署拘控。

Thus britain and france flatly rejected the soviet union ' s repeated proposals for a genuine front against aggression ; standing on the side - lines , they took a “ non - interventionist “ position and connived at german , italian and japanese aggression 因此,英法根本拒絕蘇聯歷來提出的組織真正的反侵略陣線的建議,而采勸不干涉”的立場,縱容德意日侵略,自己站在一邊看。

Three serving and one retired staff of the food and environmental hygiene department fehd were sentenced to jail terms ranging from six to seven months for conspiracy to defraud fehd by conniving at their frequent absence from duty 三名食物環境衛生署食環署現職及一名退休職員,串謀互相隱瞞經常缺勤的行為,詐騙食環署,分別被判入獄六至七個月不等。

Item 24 . the government officers who misuse authority , practice favoritism , connive or cover up for those unlawful conducts against this method or help them escape punishment would be published accordingly 第二十四條政府工作人員濫用職權,徇私舞弊,縱容、包庇違反本辦法規定的行為的,或者幫助違反本辦法規定的當事人逃避查處的,依法給予行政處分。

A proprietor of a garment factory and a shareholder of a knitting factory were sentenced to 140 hours and 80 hours of community service respectively for conspiracy with other persons to connive at a bogus letters of credit scam 一名制衣廠東主及一名針織公司股東,串謀容許他人利用假信用狀進行詐騙,分別被判須履行一百四十小時及八十小時社會服務。

A foreman of an engineering company was sentenced to two months imprisonment for accepting a mobile phone worth 1 , 800 from a subcontractor for conniving at the latter s overstating the number of workers 一名工程公司前管工,接受分判商提供一部價值一千八百元的手提電話,作為隱瞞對方夸大工人數目的報酬,被判入獄兩個月。

The use of the plates was the brainchild of louis ' ever - conniving minister jean - baptiste colbert at whim of the king ' s pleasure was the key to power and other perks 采用彩頁插圖是路易的前衛大臣浸信會教友波特的神來之筆,針對國王的興趣所在的奇思妙想正是其動力和精神的關鍵。

M . walter had managed to resign himself to having a conniving son - in - law , had , in fact , recognized his shrewdness by making him chief editor of the newspaper 華代爾先生自慰得到了一個可以做幫手的女婿,他任命德?坎特爾為報紙主編,這實際上是承認了他的手腕高明。

By constant open - up and asking the spirit innovated pursue , we cooperate together in domestic and international friend of welcome and we who are hearty , connive development 憑著不斷追求和開拓創新的精神,我們衷心的歡迎國內外朋友與我們一道攜手合作,共謀發展。

It is welcomed that sincere domestic and international old and new customers to call to consult guidance , or kind comes , watch one kind of orders , cooperate , connive development 真誠歡迎國內外新老客戶來電咨詢指導,或來樣看樣定貨,攜手合作,共謀發展!

The columbia patents go to prove that when the stakes are high enough , an institution of “ higher ” learning can get down and connive with the best of them 哥大的專利事件證明了,只要牽涉的利益夠大,所謂的高等教育也會下海,汲汲營營于最頂尖的專利。

General manager of company president lu weifeng mr . welcome old and new customers come guide at home and abroad wholeheartedly , negotiate , connive development 公司董事長總經理陸偉豐先生竭誠歡迎海內外新老客戶前來指導,洽談,共謀發展。

A company shareholder was sentenced to 120 hours of community service for conspiracy with other persons to connive at a bogus letters of credit scam 一名公司股東,串謀容許他人利用假信用狀進行詐騙,被判須履行一百二十小時社會服務。

A company shareholder was sentenced to 100 hours of community service for conspiracy with other persons to connive at a bogus letters of credit scam 一名公司股東與他人串謀,容許進行一宗假信用狀欺詐案,被判須履行一百小時社會服務。

Dongsheng the human zealously to welcome everywhere to be ambitious the gentleman to connive the great undertaking , writes the splendid bright life together 東升人熱忱歡迎海內外有志之士同謀大業,共同書寫精彩燦爛的人生。