
connie n.康妮〔女子名,Constance 的昵稱〕。

conning tower

He s really kind , connie explained as they left 當他們回去時,康妮解釋著。

A sense of rebellion smouldered in connie 康妮的反抗的感覺,潛然地滋生了。

Connie ? the break room door just slammed shut 康妮?茶水間的門砰一聲關上了。

Connie : neither would i . it ' s a great show 康妮:我也不會,這節目非常好。

He said at once , for connie had talked to him 他立即說道,因為康妮對他說過旦肯的。

Connie : have you ever been home for thanksgiving 康妮:感恩節你回過家嗎?

Connie arrived home to an ordeal of cross - questioning 康妮到家后,忍受了一番盤潔。

[ bang ] oh , gunshot ! oh , connie , they found us 哦,槍聲!哦,康妮,他們找到我們了

Connie : she worked for a newspaper last year 康妮:去年她在一家報社工作。

Connie will take care of your personal belongings 康妮會處理好你的私人物品

Steve : what is it now , connie ? another rat 史提夫:又怎么了,康妮?又有老鼠了嗎?

Connie was a little overwhelmed by his words 康妮覺得有點給這些話語壓倒了。

Connie , this is the new game - keeper , mellors “康妮,這是新來的守獵人,叫梅樂士。

Connie : have you had any luck looking for a new job 康妮:你找到什么好工作沒有?

Connie : those are beautiful paintings . who did them 康妮:這些畫真漂亮,誰畫的?

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- why don ' t you go first ? - connie baker -為什么不先介紹你自己呢? -康妮?貝克

Connie : patricia woo is looking for a job now 康妮:帕特里夏& # 8226 ;吳正在找工作。

Steven : she told connie she was a reporter 史蒂文:她告訴康妮她曾是個記者。