
connexion n.1.連接;關系;聯系;【電學】合閘。2.聯絡;交情,...


The steamer which crossed the pacific from yokohama to san francisco made a direct connexion with that from hong kong , and it could not sail until the latter reached yokohama ; and if mr fogg was twenty - four hours late on reaching yokohama , this time would no doubt be easily regained in the voyage of twenty - two days across the pacific 橫濱的船不可能在香港的船未到達之前就開往舊金山。顯然,橫濱開船的時間也會相應地向后順延二十四小時。但是這二十四小時的耽擱,關系并不大,因為在橫渡太平洋的二十二天航行中,是很容易把這二十四小時的損失找回來的。

The chatterleys , two brothers and a sister , had lived curiously isolated , shut in with one another at wragby , in spite of all their connexions . a sense of isolation intensified the family tie , a sense of the weakness of their position , a sense of defencelessness , in spite of , or because of , the title and the land 從前,查太萊兄弟姊妹三人,雖然認識的人多,卻怪孤獨地住在勒格貝家里,他們三人的關系是很密切的,因為他們三人覺得孤獨,雖然有爵位和土地也許正因為這個,他們卻覺得地位不堅,毫無保障。

Neither the carrier nor the ship shall in any event be or become liable for any loss or damage to or in connexion with goods in an amount exceeding 100 pounds sterling per package or unit , or the equivalent of that sum in other currency unless the nature and value of such goods have been declared by the shipper before shipment and inserted in the bill of lading 承運人或是船舶,在任何情況下對貨物或與貨物有關的滅失或損害,每件或每計費單位超過一百英鎊或與其等值的其他貨幣的部分,都不負責;但托運人于裝貨前已就該項貨物的性質和價值提出聲明,并已在提單中注明的,不在此限。

Day at her counter , so expressly unconscious of him , and so particularly determined not to perceive that his being there had any connexion with anything below the surface , that he shook in his wooden shoes whenever his eye lighted on her 好在那老板娘整天坐在柜臺邊,仿佛故意不把他放在心上,特別下了決心,無論他在那兒跟什么事情發生了表面以外的關系,她都一律假裝視而不見。

They pass away , and where are they ? where . where are the snows of yesteryear ? . it s what endures through one s life that matters ; my own life matters to me , in its long continuance and development . but what do the occasional connexions matter 我自己的生命,在她的長久的持續與發展里,于我是重要的,但是與人發生的偶爾關系,特別是那偶爾的性的關系,有什么重要呢?

In this article , the author set forth the inner connexion with north - western guangxi ' s custom and nie zheng - ning ' s novels , and also discussed the deep effect of regional culture and custom on novelist and characters of novels 摘要闡述了桂西北風俗和聶震寧小說具體文本的聯系,揭示了地域風俗文化對創作主體的作家和時象主體的人物形象所發生的深刻影響。

Neither the carrier nor the ship shall be responsible in any event for loss or damage to , or in connexion with , goods if the nature or value thereof has been knowingly misstated by the shipper in the bill of lading 如承運人在提單中,故意謊報貨物性質或價值,則在任何情況下,承運人或是船舶,對貨物或與貨物有關的滅失或損害,都不負責。

Jan . 27 in connexion with ordinary events , we have an imperial commissioner at amoy who came to fix the limits which are to circumscribe the wanderings of foreigners & prevent their aggression into the interior 1月27日為了交涉平常事件,一位欽派專員來到廈門,他的目標是確定外國漫游者的活動范圍的界線,以防止他們侵犯內地。

That he was surprised by the connexion was evident ; he sustained it however with fortitude , and so far from going away , turned back with them , and entered into conversation with mr . gardiner 他弄明白了他們的親戚關系以后,顯然很吃驚。不過他總算沒給嚇壞,非但不走開,后面陪了他們一塊兒走回去,又跟嘉丁納先生攀談起來。

A man was like a child with his appetites . a woman had to yield him what he wanted , or like a child he would probably turn nasty and flounce away and spoil what was a very pleasant connexion 可是女人不得不退讓,男于是象孩子般的嘴饞的,他要什么女人便得繪什么,否則他便孩子似的討厭起來,暴躁起來把好事弄糟。

The stately homes of england make good photographs , and create the illusion of a connexion with the elizabethans . the handsome old halls are there , from the days of good queen anne and tom jones 英格蘭的權貴者們的堂皇大廈,照起像來真是好看極了,而且在我們和伊麗莎白時代的人們之間創造了一種幻象的聯系。

The rattle of the harness was the chink of money , and more drafts were honoured in five minutes than even tellson s , with all its foreign and home connexion , ever paid in thrice the time 馬具的響聲變成了錢幣的叮當,五分鐘之內簽署的支票數目竟有臺爾森銀行在國際國內業務中三倍的時間簽署的總量。

The rattle of the harness was the chink of money , and more drafts were honoured in five minutes than even tellson ' s , with all its foreign and home connexion , ever paid in thrice the time 馬具的響聲變成了錢幣的叮當,五分鐘之內簽署的支票數目竟有臺爾森銀行在國際國內業務中三倍的時間簽署的總量。

Just as we cannot think of spatial objects at all apart from space , or temporal objects apart from time , so we cannot think of any object apart from the possibility of its connexion with other things 如果我設想某個與原子事實相聯系的對象,則我無法將此從聯系的可能性中分離出來思考。

Vaguely she knew herself that she was going to pieces in some way . vaguely she knew she was out of connexion : she had lost touch with the substantial and vital world 朦朧地,她知道自己是漸漸地萎靡凋謝了朦朧地,她知道自己和一切都沒有聯系,她已與實質的有生命的世界脫離關系。

He seemed wilfully to mistake the word she had repeated , when he added , in a hurry , yes , customers ; in the banking business we usually call our connexion our customers 他似乎有意要曲解她所重復的那個詞,匆匆補充道, “是的,客戶在銀行業務中我們把跟我們有往來的人都叫做客戶。

She mustn t let her connexion with him go : oh , she mustn t let it go , or she was lost , lost utterly in this world of riff - raffy expensive people and joy - hogs 啊!決不可中斷,否則她便要迷失了,便要完全地迷失在這些有錢的廢人和雪樂蟲中間了。啊!

It was obvious , he couldn t even accept the fact of the existence of mellors , in any connexion with his own life . it was sheer , unspeakable , impotent hate 顯然他不能承認梅樂士的存在,而與他沒有任何關系,那是絕對的不能言宣的無力的憎恨。

Already boeing offers a satellite - based in - flight internet service , known as connexion , on foreign carriers like germany ' s lufthansa and israel ' s el al 波音公司前些年推出的connexion服務可以支持飛機上的旅客通過高速網絡瀏覽并收發郵件。