
connective adj.連接的。n.1.連接物。2.【語法】連接語,連詞...

connective fibre

Low - medium temperature geothermal system of connective type and target zone of exploration in pingzhuang basin 平莊盆地中低溫對流型地熱系統及勘查靶區研究

Your thyroid / parathyroid gland must be working well to have good bones & connective tissue 只有甲狀腺及副甲狀腺功能運作正常才會有好的骨骼及連接組織。

Attunement improves the connective ratios between the “ borderland “ and the afterlife for a person 調諧為一個人提高“邊界”和靈界之間的連接比率。

The products contribute to a regeneration of functional connective tissue structures 喜療妥乳膏/特強喜療妥乳膏還能促進正常結締組織的再生。

The application of middle - connective technology in the data base of exploration in shengli oilfield 中間件技術在勝利油田勘探數據庫中的應用

Partial connective stability of large - scale systems with functionally dependent factory 具有函數型關聯因子的大系統的部分聯結穩定性

To the right is compressed breast connective tissue forming a “ capsule “ to this mass 靠右方受壓的乳腺纖維結締組織形成了腫塊被膜。

Loose connective tissue distributed between seminiferous and was full of blood vessel 精細管之間的間質為疏松結締組織,富含血管。

Mps has a regenerative effect on a disturbed connective tissue metabolism 多磺酸粘多糖能改善受損結締組織代謝從而促進組織再生。

Note the cells around papillations that have a myxoid connective tissue core 注意乳突狀結構周圍的細胞都有粘液樣結締組織核心。

Connective fiber space 連通纖維空間

Expression of connective tissue growth factor in progressive muscular dystrophy 結締組織生長因子在進行性肌營養不良中的表達

Assay of amino acids of yellow connective tissue in mature horseshoe crab of china 成熟中國鱟黃色結締組織中氨基酸含量分析

Connective stability discriminating method for large - scale linear - discrete systems 線性離散大系統關聯穩定性的一種判別方法

Tractor ' s connective equipment for trailers - types , dimensions and mounting requirements 拖拉機拖掛裝置型式尺寸和安裝要求

Tractor ' s connective equipment for trailers types dimensions and mounting requirements 拖拉機拖掛裝置型式尺寸和安裝要求

The thin connective tissue capsule around a silicone breast implant is shown here 圖示乳腺硅酮植入物的薄結締組織被膜。

Analysis of connective tissue complicated with pneumocystis pneumonia in 7 cases 結締組織病并發肺孢子菌肺炎7例分析

Hydraulic quick connective coupler 液壓快速接頭