
connection n.〔美國〕=connexion.


Evidently a connection consists of either a loop or a set of non-touching loops . 很顯然,一個合閘由一個回路線組成,或者由互不接觸的回路集合組成。

This situation should be borne in mind in connection with the problem of thermal radiation shielding . 在談到熱輻射的防護問題時應當注意這種情況。

During the 1975 investigation, henry had continually implied that i had mafia connections . 在1975年進行的調查中,亨利不斷暗指我與黑手黨有牽連。

Stringer webs have cracked in suspension bridges at the stringer-floor beam connections . 在懸索橋的縱梁和橫的連接處,縱梁的腹板上發生開裂。

Her greatest support and glory was in having formed the connection with the rushwords . 她最大的仗恃和最大的功勞是攀成了羅什渥茲家這門親事。

The connection between the assumption and the question or alleged consequent is remote . 這種假設與問題或被斷言的結果之間遠遠聯系不上。

Because of my connection with the bank you could be accused of insider trading . 我在銀行里做事,你可能因此被人指控盜竊內部經濟情報。

She, with the truest affection, had been planning a most eligible connection for him . 她正懷著最真摯的母愛為他籌劃一門最適當的婚姻。

A volume could not trace all their connections with private and public felicity . 它們同私人的和公共的福利之關系,寫一本書也說不完。

The point is of considerable importance in connection with the claims of historicism . 聯系歷史決定論的說法來看,這一點是很重要的。

There are two points which must be emphasized in connection with the uncertainty principle . 關于測不準原理,有兩點必須強調指出。

Then the magnetic connection between the cloud and the surrounding medium will be broken . 其時云和周圍介質間的磁聯系就終止了。

Small rectangular backup bars were used to fabricate the web-bottom flange connection . 在腹板與下翼緣的施焊中使用小矩形擋板。

I must have met a dozen promisinglooking guys with arab connections . 我大概和十幾個看以來有希望的與阿拉伯人有聯系的人會晤過。

Police are holding two men in connection with last thursday 's bank robbery . 警方拘留了兩名與上星期四的銀行劫案有關的人。

Municipal town and rural parish gradually made fresh threads of connection . 城市和鄉村教區逐漸形成了千絲萬縷的新關系。

The formula is sometimes used in connection with the scattering of radiation . 該公式在討論輻射散射問題時,有時要用到。

We have already found the convenience of this device in other connections . 在其它方面,我們發現了這種方法的便利之處。

This is a clear indication of the connection with the solar activity . 這就清楚地表明,這種現象和太陽活動有明顯聯系。