
connecticut n.康涅狄格〔美國州名〕。


Everyone still lives in connecticut except my brother , dave . he s running a restaurant in portland , oregon 除了我的哥哥大衛之外,其他人都還住在康乃迪克州。

1959 the u . s . first polaris submarine , george washington , was launched at groton in connecticut 美國第一艘北極星潛水艇“喬治?華盛頓號“在康涅狄格州格羅頓下水。

Although i ve been roaming from place to place for over 10 years , i ll always consider connecticut my home 雖然我十年來游歷四方,但康乃迪克州永遠是我的家。

In 1954 , the first atomic submarine , the us “ nautilus , “ was launched at groton , connecticut 1954年:美國第一部原子潛艇“鸚鵡螺“號于康乃迪克州哥頓市啟航。

In 1850 , hung graduated from the academy and entered yale university in connecticut 1850年, hung從monson academy畢業,之后進入康涅狄格的耶魯大學學習。

I traveled 22 hours on three separate planes from a state called connecticut before i arrived in china 我轉了三趟飛機,飛行了22個小時才到達中國。

She said her children were sometimes taunted in their connecticut school district 她說在他們康乃狄克州的學區里,她的小孩有時也會被其他學生捉弄。

Mark twain poked fun at it in a connecticut yankee in king arthur ' s court 馬克?吐溫在《在亞瑟王朝廷里的一個康涅狄格州揚荃》一本書中對它取笑。

1954 nautilus , the first u . s . nuclear submarine , was launched at groton in connecticut 美國第一艘核潛艇“鸚鵡螺號“在康狄格州柯羅頓市下水。

Fundamentals of food process engineering . r . t . toledo . avi publishing co . westport , connecticut 食品工程學,孫朝棟,華香園出版社印行。

Steven : what does it mean to the average person in stamford , connecticut 史蒂文:對于康涅狄克州斯坦福德城的普通人來說,這有什么意義?

7 usa connecticut 美國馬里蘭

From : 10 - year - old sister initiate thanh vo , connecticut , u . s . a . originally in english 美國康乃狄格州武清小師姊十歲原文為英文

Honorary degree of doctor of humane letters , trinity college , hartford , connecticut 美國康涅狄格洲trinitycollege榮譽文學博士

A friend of mine spent a week on an island off the connecticut coast 我的一個朋友在康涅狄格海岸附近的一個小島上度過了一周。

A friend of mine spent a week on an island off the connecticut coast 我的一位朋友,離開了康涅狄格海岸去一個島上度過了一周。

College : connecticut 97 精彩時刻:

These partnerships have led to a strong link between china and connecticut 這種關系成為中國和康涅狄格之間強有力的紐帶。

University of connecticut 康涅狄格大學