
connect time 【計算機】聯通時間。


The method of connecting timing into 1ogic i s explained in waveform po1ynomia1 on the basis of waveform concept in boo1ean process theory . and an ana1ytica1 de1ay mode1 that is close to practice circuits is found 并在布爾過程論中定義波形的基礎上,說明了邏輯與時序在波形多項式中的結合方法,建立了接近實際電路的解析延遲模型。

Service assurance agent built into cisco ios release 12 . 0 ( 5 ) t allows measuring response time , net resources , availability , jitter , connect time , packet loss and application performance 該版本允許檢測應答時間、網絡資源、有效性、跳動、連接時間、數據包丟失和應用程序工作情況。

After the fiber connection index comply with the design requirements , the connector box put in the responsibility card , sign the name of connection person , the connecting time , etc 光纖接續指標符合設計要求后,接頭盒內放入接續責任卡片,卡片上要簽上接續人的姓名,接續時間等。

Has sufficient flight connecting time upon arrival in hong kong and intended onward destination 抵達香港后有足夠時間轉乘飛機

Connect time , remote system 遙程系統連接時間

2 twist connect time : connection pin : 7200 times ; tube cap : 50 times 2旋接使用次數:接線栓7200 ,管帽50次

Minimum connect time publisher 班機連接時間最少值出版者

Has sufficient flight connecting time upon arrival in hong kong 抵達香港后有足夠時間轉乘飛機

Minimum connecting time for ka and cx flights : 50 mins 港及國泰航班最短轉機時間: 50分鐘

Connect time - out in seconds , 0 if none 以秒為單位的連接超時, 0表示沒有超時。