
connect vt.1.連接,接合,連接。2.使有聯系,為…接通電話。...

connect time

When the engine is running, the solenoid is connected to the battery . 當發動機運轉時,電磁開關與蓄電池接通。

Every edge connects a vertex labeled 3 with a vertex labeled 4 . 每一條線都聯結一個標上3和一個標上4的頂點。

For simplicity we assume that the graph of the network is connected . 為了簡便起見,假設網絡的圖是連通的。

These are nearly always closely connected to the issue of control . 這些文件常常與控制的內容有密切的聯系。

Presently he was connected with edmundson, a friend of his . 很快他就和他的一位朋友,埃德門森接通了電話。

The rotor connected the various ports in the stainless-steel valve block . 轉動件和不銹鋼閥塊各個孔相連。

An iron is connected to an electric source that has a potential of 110v . 電熨斗聯接著電壓為110伏的電源。

The crank end of the connecting rod is sometimes called the rod “big end“ . 連桿的曲軸有時稱為“大頭”。

Its upper end is hinge connected to a trestle on top of the tower head . 它的上端與塔端上的支架成鉸接。

The second is connected with the main use the body makes of food . 第二是與食物對身體的主要用途有關。

A good proportion of my lodgers is connected with the theaters . 住客里面有不少人是跟戲院子有往來的。

The continuous transformation connects smoothly to the unit operator . 連續變換光滑地銜接到單位算符。

People connect vienna with waltzes and coffee-houses . 人們把維也納和華爾茲圓舞曲和咖啡館聯系在一起。

The wiper of the potentiometer is connected directly to the spindle . 電位計的孤刷直接與銷子連接。

The connecting rod is attached to the piston by the piston pin . 連桿與活塞的連接是采用活塞銷。

One moment , please. i 'll see if i can connect you again . 請等一會兒,看我能不能再給你接通。

Motors for 220 v are connected to the ordinary lighting grid . 220伏電機接到普通的照明線上。

When two beds are connected their levels equalize . 當兩個床層連通時,它們的床面自行找平。

My first impressions of england are connected with food . 英國給我的最初印象和食物有關。