
conjurer n.1.咒法家,邪術家;魔術師。2.〔口語〕極聰明厲害的...


You know that a conjurer gets no credit when once he has explained his trick ; and if i show you too much of my method of working , you will come to the conclusion that i am a very ordinary individual after all 你知道魔術家一旦把自己的戲法說穿,他就得不到別人的贊賞了;如果把我的工作方法給你講得太多的話,那么,你就會得出這樣的結論:福爾摩斯這個人不過是一個十分平常的人物罷了。

The chaldeans answered before the king and said , there is not a man upon the earth who can declare the matter for the king , because no great king or ruler has ever asked any magician , conjurer , or chaldean for something like this 10迦勒底人在王面前回答說,地上沒有人能將王所問的事說出來,因為沒有大君王或掌權者,向術士、用法術的、或迦勒底人,問過這樣的事。

Nasb : “ just now the wise men and the conjurers were brought in before me that they might read this inscription and make its interpretation known to me , but they could not declare the interpretation of the message 呂震中本:現在博士跟用法術的都被領到我面前,為要叫他們讀這文字,把它的解析告訴我,無奈他們都不能把這話的解析講出來。

“ just now the wise men and the conjurers were brought in before me that they might read this inscription and make its interpretation known to me , but they could not declare the interpretation of the message 但5 : 16我聽說你善于講解、能解疑惑現在你若能讀這文字、把講解告訴我、就必身穿紫袍、項戴金? 、在我國中位列第三。

The third installment of the “ harry potter “ series takes a dark turn as the young sorcerer is sought by a murderous wizard who escapes from a prison for conjurers . “ it ' s more dark . a bit more 哈里波特系列的第三部分發生了一點轉變,變得更陰暗了,年輕的魔法師被一個從魔法師監獄中逃出來的兇惡的魔術師追逐。

The third installment of the “ harry potter “ series takes a dark turn as the young sorcerer is sought by a murderous wizard who escapes from a prison for conjurers 《哈里?波特》系列的第三部分發生了一點轉變,變得更陰暗了,年輕的魔法師被一個從魔法師監獄中逃出來的兇惡的魔術師追逐。

All bumbling conjurers , clumsy squires , no - talent bards , and cowardly thieves in the land will be pre - emptively put to death 所有無能的魔術師、笨拙的隨從、沒有天份的吟游詩人、以及膽小的盜賊都將會事先被處死。

That is neither self - indulgence nor a conjurer ' s trick ; it is a clause you must obey in order to make a happy marriage 這不是任性也不是耍小把戲;而是為了讓婚姻幸福你必須遵循的條款。

N , archimage , conjurer , mage , sorcerer , warlock the boy wizard , created by british author j . k 這個由英國作家j . k .羅琳所創作的小巫師形象在俄羅斯引起了廣泛爭議。

The conjurer waved his magic wand and pulled a rabbit out of the hat 魔術師揮動魔棒,便從帽子里拉出一只兔子。

The conjurer magicked the bird away 那個魔術師把鳥變沒了

The conjurer threw the watch into the mortar and grasped a sledgehammer from the table . 魔術師把表扔進臼里,從桌子上拿起一把大錘。

He is no conjurer . 他不大行。

The reputation of the conjurer was rapidly sinking below zero . 魔術師的信譽一下子下降到最低點。

The conjurer magiced the bird away . 那個魔術師把鳥變沒了。