
conjuncture n.1.局面,場合,地步;(某種)機緣;緊要關頭,非常時...


By carding the history of modernization of middle school curriculum , we may draw some conclusion : the modernization of middle school curriculum of china was not the course of westernization ; it was the response to the politics , economy and culture of the social transformation . it also offered some apocalypse : curriculum reform is not a insular course ; we must build up scientific view of curriculum , and we must bring forth new ideas based on the old curriculum . good curriculum must be adapt the new conjuncture , be useful , be indigenous and be elastic 通過梳理我國普通中學課程近代化的歷史,可以得出一些結論:課程的近代化不是西化的過程;它是中國教育對社會轉型時期的政治、經濟和文化變遷的回應;我國的普通中學課程近代化對當前的基礎教育課程改革也提供了一些啟示和思考:課程改革受制于多種因素,不是一個孤立的過程;課程改革必須樹立科學的課程價值觀;在繼承的基礎上必須對原有的課程有所創新;好的普通中學課程必須具有時代性、實用性、本土性及良好的彈性和適應性。

The third , later in the 20th century , yugoslavia had lost the especial strategic advantage in the cold war . moreover , with the impact from the upheaval of soviet union and east europe , her system occurred profound transformation , together with politics and economy conjuncture , leading to the state abruption , which caused a series of conflict and threatened the safety and stabilization of the balkan and europe 其三, 20世紀末南斯拉夫失去了冷戰時期在東西方對抗中所享有的地緣政治利益,自身還在蘇東劇變大潮的沖擊中發生著深刻的體制變遷,與政治、經濟危機相伴而來的民族危機最終導致國家分裂,并引起一系列愈益慘烈的武裝沖突和戰爭,威脅著巴爾干半島和歐洲的安全與穩定。

In the post cold war and globalization times , more and more impact emerged in the welfare states and the old security system environment was changed ? in the process of the west european states finding new solutions for the conjuncture , the third way was presented . the paper studies the security system of british , france and germen 后冷戰和全球化時代,福利國家受到更大的沖擊,其外部條件、內部需求、合法性與公平性方面都發生了變化,西歐各國政府苦于找不到有效的解決方案而陷入更嚴峻的危機狀態中,新的現實呼吁新的思想,第三條道路應運而生。

With the reform of the economical system developing , improvement of the capacity and people ' s living standard , our country is also facing a series of new situations and new problems . at the same time , our party has lead all people in our country to create the new conjuncture that is chinese characterical socialism and has acquired a great accomplishment . it has proved that our party ' s organization and the party member are good on the whole . it is capable , but there are some problems that can not be ignored , something that are depressed even deteriorated , have come i nto being and affected the party member ' s ideals . they corrode the party member , affect the party ' s cohesion , flie organization , the party ' s battle strength and the relation between the party and the people 當今世界國際風云變幻莫測,世界多極化趨勢繼續發展,經濟全球化進程與科學技術發展不斷加快,而舊的不平等的國際政治經濟秩序并沒有根本改變,霸權主義與強權政治依舊盛行,西方對我國的和平演變戰略一刻也沒有停止,而隨著經濟體制改革的深入發展,在生產力和人民生活水平不斷提高的同時,國內也面臨著一系列新情況新問題;與此同時,在社會主義市場經濟大潮中,我們黨帶領全國各族人民開創了建設有中國特色的社會主義的新局面,取得了世人矚目的偉大成就,事實證明我們黨的組織和黨員干部總體上是好的,是有戰斗力的,但是,黨內也產生了一些不容忽視的問題,一些消極的甚至是腐朽的東西逐漸滋生起來,從思想上、組織上和作風上侵蝕著黨員、干部隊伍,影響著黨的凝聚力、戰斗力的增強和黨同人民群眾的關系。

In the process of software development , especially in the process of software development of special domain , software reuse is becoming more and more important , the research of software reuse became the hotspot again , it “ s regard as the best way to resovle the software conjuncture and improve the quality and productivity of software . software reuse is a solution for avoiding repeating working in software development 在軟件開發的過程中,尤其是在領域軟件開發中,軟件復用正越來越重要,軟件復用研究重新成為熱點,被視為解決軟件危機、提高軟件生產率和質量的現實可行的途徑。

The middle layer is the basis and end of the supreme layer in rural areas . the town power carried out by the town ' s party and governmental organization is the conjuncture of national power and social power ' s mutual penetration and influence “中層”權力是“上層”權力在農村的基礎和末梢,以鄉鎮黨政組織為載體的“鄉政”權力運行是國家權力與社區權力互為滲透、互為影響的連接點。

Standing there he for the first time doubted whether his course in this conjuncture had been a wise , much less a generous , one 他站在那兒,第一次懷疑起自己在這個時候到這兒來是不是明智,更不用說懷疑他是否寬厚了。

The first person to write on the allonge shall endorse the conjuncture of the bill and the allonge 粘單上的第一記載人,應當在匯票和粘單的粘接處簽章。

At this conjuncture 在這危急時刻

Conjuncture public relationship at crisis time 危機事件中的政府形象和政府危機公關