
conjunctivitis n.【醫學】結膜炎。


In addition , swimmers can contract conjunctivitis when swimming in the contaminated water 此外,游泳人士于受污染的水源游泳,也可感染結膜炎。

The virus infects 83 people causing conjunctivitis and flu - like symptoms , and kills one man 83人感染,出現結膜炎和流感樣癥狀,一人死亡。

Chlamydial trachomatis may also be a cause for conjunctivitis in neonates and adults 衣原體沙眼亦會令初生嬰兒和成人患上結膜炎。

Table title : acute conjunctivitis surveillance - laboratory results , 2006 統計表標題:急性結膜炎紅眼癥監察-二零零六年度化驗結果

Table title : acute conjunctivitis surveillance - laboratory results , 2005 統計表標題:急性結膜炎紅眼癥監察-二零零五年度化驗結果

Chlamydial trachomatis may also be a cause for conjunctivitis in neonates and adults 衣原體感染亦會令初生嬰兒和成人患上結膜炎。

In chlamydial conjunctivitis , the incubation period ranges from 3 days to several weeks 衣原體的潛伏期可由三天至數星期不等。

Clinically , bacterial and viral conjunctivitis are very similar . clinical features 細菌性和病毒性結膜炎的臨床征狀十分相似。

Clinical features clinically , bacterial and viral conjunctivitis are very similar 細菌性和病毒性結膜炎的臨床徵狀十分相似。

Treatment of 31 cases of vernal catarrhal conjunctivitis with modified sanren decoction 三仁湯加減治療春季卡他性結膜炎31例

Clincal research of isatis root eyedrops on the acute bacterial conjunctivitis 板藍根滴眼液治療急性細菌性結膜炎臨床療效研究

An infected person can spread conjunctivitis as long as there is an active infection 傳播途徑患者發炎期間能把結膜炎傳播。

Of course , there would be even more discharge if one gets conjunctivitis 結膜炎方面,還有一種稱為流行性角結膜炎的眼病。

Diagnostic criteria and principles of management of acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis 急性出血性結膜炎診斷標準及處理原則

An infected person can transmit conjunctivitis as long as there is active infection 眼睛仍然發炎的病人都會傳播結膜炎。

Maintain good personal hygiene to prevent acute conjunctivitis red eye syndrome 預防急性結膜炎紅眼癥個人衛生最重要

Acute infectious conjunctivitis 傳染性急性結膜炎

How does one get conjunctivitis 3有什么傳染媒介

The parasite infection may be clinically misdiagnosed as conjunctivitis 眼寄生蟲寄生感染常被誤診為結膜炎。