
conjunctive adj.1.連結(著)的;【數學】契合的,合取的;【語法...

conjunctive mood

The . paper advanced feasible advice of conjunctive dispatching and feasible conjunction measures with system engineering as its theory standpoint , with water resource sufficient and rational utilization as its goal , with water works supply and demand balance analysis as its content , and with optimal theory technology as its full and in - depth research basis 從系統工程的思想、理論出發,以水資源的充分、合理利用為目標,以重點工程的供需平衡分析為主要內容,采用最優化技術對聯網的重點水源工程進行全面、深入的研究,提出聯網調配的可行性意見和切實可行的聯網措施方案。

The conjunctive operation system , which is mainly for hydropower generation , flood control and other purposes , is composed of songshan reservoir in the manjiang river and xiaoshao reservoir in the songjianghe river . through the diversion canal , the water in the songshan reservoir can be transported into xiaoshao reservoir 松山、小山水庫群水電聯合調度由松山水庫和小山水庫組成,主要通過松山引水工程將漫江水引入松江河上的小山水庫,為跨水系的水力資源綜合利用。

4 in order to make . the decision adjust to the practice , and use the limited water resources more rationally . a multi - objective fuzzy decision method for irrigation district is presented considering fuzzy connection , then a method is given to get the changeable objective weight of each stage . this model can solve the decision in conjunctive use of ground and surface water 4 、為合理利用水資源,使渠井結合灌區的地表、地下水聯合調度決策與實際結合更緊密,本文在陳守煜建立的多指標模糊關系優選決策理論基礎上,提出了考慮時段指標變權重的多指標模糊關系優選決策方法,模型中各指標的權重隨作物所處生長階段的不同發生變化,并將模型與算法應用于實際例子中,取得了較為滿意的結果。

Then we consider the problem as a “ conjunction “ problem : according to the solutions for wave problem in interface between two conjunctive homogeneous elastic half - spaces as well as the scattering problem of sh - waves by an arbitrary - shape - cavity in homogeneous material , we divide the elastic space with an interface cavity into two parts along the interface , each is elastic half space with an arbitrary - shape - canyon . and then dividing surfaces are loaded with undete rmined antiplane forces , and with some antiplane reacting forces to appear cracks 然后將界面任意形孔洞和孔邊裂紋對sh波的散射問題視為“契合”問題:即從兩個相互契合的完整彈性半空間的界面波動問題和彈性均勻介質中任意形孔洞對sh波散射的解答出發,沿界面處將含孔洞的彈性空間剖分為兩個含有任意形凹陷的彈性半空間,在其剖分表面上加置未知的反平面荷載,在出現裂紋的位置加置反平面反力構造出裂紋。

The mendable canny operator based on the linear interpolation is used to pick up the edge of the pointer , the pointers ’ instructive direction is gotten via the circumference chord length detection method proposed by the article , then according to the central angle of pointer relative to the benchmark and conjunctive relation , the right reading is received the database information management system realizes the consumers ’ water fee management 利用基于線性插值的canny算子提取邊緣,通過本課題提出的圓周弦長灰度檢測法得到指針的指示方向,進而依據指針相對于基準的圓心角和關聯關系正確讀數。數據庫信息管理系統實現對用戶用水信息的管理,主要功能分三大模塊:一

The results indicate that development of world womens gymnastics in the 1990s were characterized by a relatively stable development pattern , a restricted technical development by the code of point , increasing difficulty and conjunctive creation in techniques , more artistic performance , and gymnasts extensive competitive abilities 結果表明,當代女子競技體操運動的發展表現出規則對技術發展的制約性、格局的相對穩定性、技術發展的難度遞增性、連接的創新性、動作完成的藝術性和運動員競技能力的“延伸性”特征。

The main work includes key engineering water resource utilization situation investigation and assessment , different water supply projects water supply and demand balance analysis , feasibility analysis of conjunctive dispatching and conjunctive dispatching projects choosing , and mathematic models research of conjunctive dispatching 完成的主要工作包括:重點工程水資源利用現狀調查評價及不同供水方案供需平衡分析;聯網調配可行性分析及聯網方案選擇;聯網調配數學模型研究等。

In the first part , the four feasible alternatives for the conjunctive operating system are first presented , followed by initial operating rules . the variables for energy of all alternatives are obtained by the regulating long series of historical flow and are the base of optimal selection for the second part 本項研究主要由兩大部分組成,第一部分是先擬定4種不同的可行方案,然后制定相應的運行規則,經過長系列徑流調節計算,求得各方案的動能經濟指標。

The research of linking drawing and database has been fashionable point . in this paper , i am going to make research into this problem and develop and constitute a scientific , convenient , flexible , inter - conjunctive and intellectual system integrating drawing and database 圖形與數據庫連接方面的研究一直是研究的熱點,筆者欲對此作些研究并開發及構造一個科學、方便、靈活、互連及智能化的圖形與數據庫集成的結構或系統。

In the last , the problem of the perturbation of fuzzy reasoning is discussed in detail , and the maximum perturbation parameters for various methods of fuzzy reasoning is estimated according to the choice of conjunctive operator and implication operator 根據椎理規則中合取算子與蘊涵算子的不同選取方式,對各種模糊推理方法的最大攝動參數進行了評估,為實際應用中選擇恰當的模糊推理方法提供了一個準則

Recently , in order to obtain the representation result for recovering contraction inference relations satisfying the condition weak conjunctive inclusion , a notion of an image structure associated with the canonical epistemic state has been introduced 最近,為了建立滿足條件弱合取包含的可恢復收縮后承關系的表示定理,一個被稱為關于典范認知狀態的圖像結構的概念被廣泛的提出。

Based on paper [ 1 ] and [ 2 ] , this paper gives two generating algorithms to calculate and output the special conjunctive normal forms and special disjunctive forms of given propositional formulas automatically and formally 摘要在文[ 1 ]和文[ 2 ]的基礎上,給出了命題邏輯中任一命題公式的主析取范式和主合取范式的自動生成算法,并實現了多個命題公式主范式的同時形式化輸出。

The paper analyzes the necessity and feasibility of water works conjunction dispatching and chooses rational water works conjunctive dispatching projects based on the research of emphases water works connection and optimal dispatching 通過對重點水源工程的聯網和優化調配研究,分析水源工程聯網調配的必要性和可行性,比選出合理的水源工程聯網調配方案。

As virtual database uses relational data model , the paper makes a special effort to discuss query rewriting technology - rewriting queries using views and its conjunctive query , containment mapping under this model 基于虛擬數據庫所采用的關系數據模型,著重探討了該模型下的查詢重寫技術? ?利用視圖重寫查詢以及基于其上的合取查詢、包含映射等問題。

Methods 8 out of total 9 cases ( 9 eyes ) were treated by vitrectomy , combined with filtering bleb repairing with donated sclera and self conjunctive 方法9例( 9眼)中, 8例行玻璃體切除聯合異體鞏膜修補、自體結膜瓣遮蓋,其中3例在內窺鏡引導下行玻璃體切除聯合睫狀突光凝術; 1例保守治療。

The author expects to develop a kind of case , which , as a clinical surrogates , can perform a conjunctive function between theory and practice in education 作者所期望開發的是作為一種“替代性的臨床經歷”的、能在教育理論與教育實踐中起到溝通作用的教學案例。

In addition , the attitudes of conjunctive fractures deduced from the borehole images provide important information for the direction of paleo - structural stress field 利用從電成像測井圖像上提取的共軛裂縫的產狀信息,還可以恢復裂縫形成時古構造應力場的方向。

This paper discussed more than 10 types of conjunctive words based on reanalysis of grammar from grammaticalization perspective 本文從語法化的角度,具體探討了十多個因語法重新分析凝結而成的連詞。

Conjunctive control of tetranychus vinennensis in apple trees with natural enemy scolothrips takahashii and acaricide pyridaben 塔六點薊馬與噠螨靈協同控制蘋果樹山楂葉螨的研究初報