
conjunctiva n.〔拉丁語〕 (pl. conjunctivas, -...


Methods twelve patients ( 12 eyes ) with sever symblepharon and pseudo - pterygium were treated for symblepharon resection , then autologous oral mucosa was transplanted for reconstruction of the palpebral conjunctiva and fonix , amniotic membrane and conjunctival limbal grafts for bulbar conjunctiva and corneal surface reconstruction 方法對12例12眼有嚴重瞼球粘連及假性胬內的患者,進行瞼球粘連松解后,應用自體口唇粘膜移植進行瞼結膜和穹窿結膜修復,羊膜和自體結角膜緣組織瓣移植重建球結膜和角膜表面,觀察其臨床效果。

In order to investigate the possibility for clinical use of a light - sensitive prosthesis , eer ( electrically evoked responses ) were detected from normal and blind eyes with 3 different kinds of stimulating electrodes ( cornea - cutaneous electrode , cornea - conjunctiva electrode and conjunctiva - conjunctiva electrode ) . 1 摘要為了發展一種具有光感覺之義眼,我們使用三種不同之電極,包括角膜皮膚電極、角膜結膜電極、結膜結膜電極;用以測試正常眼及失明眼之電氣刺激反應( eer ) 。

The carbon dioxide laser facilitates resection by providing a bloodless field and reduces the possibility of viral seeding of the conjunctiva by sterilizing the operative site and sealing the lymphatics 二氧化碳雷射有良好的止血作用,并對手術區域內完全滅菌,可封閉淋巴管以阻止病毒擴散,以利乳頭狀瘤之完全切除和預防其復發。

A : the appropriate medical term is sub - conjunctival hemorrhage . healthy people may have this condition when the tiny blood vessel in the conjunctiva get injured as in severe coughing and heavy exertion 有時候身體健康的人也會出現這種情況,例如:劇烈咳嗽或用力過度時,眼睛就會有出血現象。

Conclusions dilater can promote the formation of fornicai conjunctive , increase the total area of conjunctival , cure malformation and contract of conjunctiva sac 結論結膜囊擴張器能促進結膜囊彎隆部形成,增加結膜總面積,有效矯正結膜囊畸形和縮窄。

Methods to adopt partial mydriatic , then inuect gentamycin sulfate and dexamehasone beside the bulbar or under the conjunctiva for ten endphthalmitis patientes 方法對10例( 10眼)眼內炎?用局部散瞳、球旁或結膜下注射慶大霉素地塞米松治療。

D . inspect conjunctiva for color , edema , or lesions by gently depressing lower lid with thumb pressed against bony orbit . ask client to look up 檢查結膜顏色、水腫,或拇指靠在眼眶輕輕按壓下眼瞼檢查有無損傷。囑受檢者抬眼。 。

D . i ect conjunctiva for color , edema , or lesio by gently depre ing lower lid with thumb pre ed agai t bony orbit . ask client to look up 檢查結膜顏色、水腫,或拇指靠在眼眶輕輕按壓下眼瞼檢查有無損傷。囑受檢者抬眼。 。

Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the conjunctiva , the protective membrane that lines the inner eyelids and covers the outer surface of the eyeballs 結膜炎是指覆蓋著眼瞼內方及眼球表面的薄膜即結膜發生炎癥。

The clinical observation of pterygium ablation combined with auto - corneaoscleral limbus conjunctiva transplantation in treating pterygium 自體角膜緣上皮球結膜移植治療翼狀胬肉的臨床觀察

Conjunctiva is a layer of transparent membrane covering the eyes . when it is inflamed or infected , it is known as conjunctivitis 結膜炎是指覆蓋著眼瞼內方及眼球正面的薄膜即結膜發炎。

The effects of dlxnp on hemorrheology and bulbar conjunctiva microcirculation of blood stagnant syndrome in rabbits models 丹龍醒腦片對血瘀證家兔血液流變性和球結膜微循環的影響

Effects of new zhongtian pill on nailfold and bulbar conjunctiva microcirculation in migraine with blood stasis type 新正天丸對偏頭痛血瘀證甲襞和球結膜微循環的影響

A pathological examination proved the lesion to be carcinoma in situ of the conjunctiva with invasion into cornea 在10個月追蹤過程中,腫瘤自行消退,無復發現象。

A . inspect eye position with eyes open . note if any portion of lower conjunctiva is visible 受檢者睜? ,檢查眼睛位置。注意結膜是否理垂。

A . i ect eye position with eyes open . note if any portion of lower conjunctiva is visible 受檢者睜? ,檢查眼睛位置。注意結膜是否理垂。

Melanoma of conjunctiva 結膜黑色素瘤

Pigmentation of conjunctiva 結膜色素沉著

Transplantation of conjunctiva 結膜移植術