
conjunct adj.連接的,結合的;聯合的。adv.-ly


Flood prevention schemes for other rivers involving two or more provinces , autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government shall be formulated by the relevant river basins administrative agencies in conjunct ion with the relevant people ' s government s of provinces , autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government and submitted to the state council or its authorized agency for approval 跨省、自治區、直轄市的其他江河的防御洪水方案,由有關流域管理機構會同有關省、自治區、直轄市人民政府制定,報國務院或者國務院授權的有關部門批準。

Moreover , the permutation of houses in an environment is also discussed in this paper . based on the house functional components analysis , we build a hierarchy of all the components . for example , gate , window and wall can be organized as gate window wall ; gate window wall or shop wall , conjunct wall and roof can be organized as house , etc 本文在房屋功能模塊分解的基礎上,提出了房屋功能模塊的層次結構:無論是從門、窗與墻體組合成門窗墻,從門窗墻、鄰接墻與屋頂組合成居住民居,還是從店面墻、鄰接墻與屋頂組合成商業民居,房屋的功能模塊的層次結構是本文研究的核心。

This paper first introduces the characteristic of data warehouse , its development trend in home and abroad and its architecture , and then studied the design method and step for building a data warehouse conjunct with the relative sale decision support system ( rsdss ) , creates a relative sale data warehouse and its multidimensional data set , and then researches deeply the application of data mining in relative sale decision support system . this paper also studies how to use the data warehouse technique and the olap method together effectively 本文首先系統介紹了數據倉庫的特點、國內外發展動態、體系結構,并結合連鎖銷售決策支持系統( rsdss )研究了數據倉庫的設計方法和步驟,創建了連鎖銷售數據倉庫及其olap多維數據集,對數據挖掘技術在連鎖銷售決策支持系統中的應用進行了深入的研究,探討各種知識發現方法,以及研究如何將數據倉庫和olap等方法有效地結合在一起,應用于具體的科研和實際領域中。

Urban and rural development is the conjunct influences of economy , politics , culture and so on . this paper speaks with cultural factor of urban and rural development , and its motif is to fill the gap that the theories on urban and rural development be pressed for culture research . retracing the cultural genesis of modern urban and rural developmental framework , the paper probes into the cities , countries and their development from the visual angle of postmodern culture 城鄉發展是經濟、政治、文化等多方面的因素共同作用的結果,本文將文化因素與城鄉發展結合起來,主旨在于填補城鄉發展理論中文化研究的空白,意在追溯現代城鄉發展格局的文化成因,在此基礎上探討后現代文化視角的城市與鄉村及其發展,并以新中國成立后的城鄉發展為主線,考察文化因素對中國城鄉發展的影響。

Following the managing idea of based on human , emphasized that concept , basement , precondition , system , environment and oriented function are essential factors . the symbiotic benefit relationship which lies between enterprise and employee must be consolidated ; the conjunct anima and coincident value tropism must be formed . employee is diligent to dedicate to enterprise , more development and advancement of enterprise will be achieved , society wealth and economy benefit will be created , and at last manpower source become the headspring of enterprise benefit 進而提出了國有企業構建“心理契約”的實現途徑,按照以人為本的管理思想,強調在理念、基礎、前提、機制、環境及導向功能等六個方面來探討“心理契約”的實現途徑,使得企業與員工這種共生的利益關系得到強化,形成統一的生命共同體和一致的價值取向,員工為企業勤于奉獻,使企業得到更大的進步和發展,共同創造社會財富和經濟效益,使得人力資源成為企業效益的創造中心。

This time , using cdna of zmcdc5 as template , we amplify a sequence by means of pcr technology . and then , using restrict endoenzyme and ligase , we conjunct the 0 . 8kb length dna sequence in a expression vector , pet - 30a . after induction , expression and purification , we obtained a 35 . 4kda truncated fusing zmcdc5 protein which contains 267aa ( 647 to 914aa in zmcdc5 ) . with the purified protein , we got its antibody and testified the antibody by means of western blotting and dot blotting 本實驗是以zmcdc5的cdna為模板,使用pcr獲得基因片段,再通過酶切連接,將得到的0 . 8kb的基因片段構建于pet - 30a表達載體上,經過誘導表達和純化,獲得zmcdc5的融合蛋白,其中包括了zmcdc5925個氨基酸中647 914共267個氨基酸殘基

( 4 ) latitude and meridional wind stress fields both have the character of quasi - quadrennial and quasi - biennial oscillation , but their phases are different . so their conjunct effect makes enso oscillation have both quasi - quadrennial and quasi - biennial periodicity and erratic , which causes the forecast of enso events uncertainty ( 4 )緯向和經向風應力距平場具有準4a和準2a的振蕩性質,但是位相存在差異,因此共同作用下造成enso振蕩既有準4a和準2a的周期性,又有不規則性,對于enso事件的預報帶來不確定性。

Along with the deepen of economic reform and our country jioning to wto , the essentiality of the evaluation of land lot price will be showed more and more . the author analyse the major problems in the evaluation of land lot price exist currently in the technology and methods , and put forward a plan to develop the land lot price evaluation information system ( llpeis ) based on gis . not only the authour analyse the feasibility of the plan , but also make a deep discussion on the conjunct methods of gis and the specialized model of land price evaluation 我國的地產評估業剛剛起步,不論是學術研究還是產業發展離成熟還有相當一段路要走,隨著經濟改革的進一步深入和我國加入wto ,地產評估業的重要性將進一步得到體現。筆者分析了當前宗地價格評估工作中存在的主要問題,針對上述問題,提出了建立基于gis的宗地估價信息系統的設想,并進行了可行性分析,對gis與地產評估專業模型的結合途徑也進行了深入探討。

Besides this , the thesis start with the conjunct point of mechanic engineering and soil mechanics . consider the equipment and action medium - soil as a whole body . study the dynamic performance of interaction between the compaction equipment and soil 此外,本文還從機械工程和土體工程力學兩學科的結合點入手,把施工機械與被作業對象? ?土壤作為一個完整的系統,進行壓實裝置與土壤相互作用動態特性的研究,建立了系統的動力學模型。

But in long - range material capital can only accelerate regional economic sustainable development by conjunct multiplication with zoology capital . meanwhile , this process needs multiplication of human resource to promote them 但從長遠看,隨著生態資本的增殖,物質資本會因機會成本的降低而增殖,區域經濟的可持續發展也就會在兩者的共同增殖中不斷向前推進。

In some industrial measuring and controlling occasion , it ' s not expediency to conjunct some devices to the master control computer with cable , while exploiting radio will raise disturbance and the circumscribe of utility application 在一些工業測控場合中,有些設備與主控機之間不便進行有線連接,而采用無線電又會增加干擾和申請應用上的限制。

As the conjunct section of the international trade law and the banking law , the legal problem of the bank ' s position in international trade is worthy of being studied specially i think 銀行在國際貿易中占據獨特地位,其作用不可替代,作為國際貿易法和銀行法的重要組成部分,國際貿易中銀行的法律地位問題有著特殊的研究價值。

Not only was the egyptian calendar based on the rising of sirius , but that the sun is astrologically conjunct sirius every year on july 4 , for the birthday of the united states of america 不僅埃及日歷是根據天狼星的升起為基礎,而且太陽每年7月4日作為美國誕生日占星上連接天狼星。

A strongly placed natal vertex ( conjunct the horizon , in close aspect to a personal planet , in a critical degree or in the degree of the nodes ) can indicate more consistent results 宿命點強有力的位置(合地平線,與本命行星合相,或者緊張相位,或者與月交點合相,最能發揮作用。

Cscl is the conjunct of the theoretics and method of cscw and cl . webcl is the development and applications of cscl under the internet circumstances Cscl是計算機支持的協同工作( cscw )與協作學習( cl )理論與方法相結合的產物,基于網絡的協作學習是cscl在網絡環境下的發展與應用。

Empirically , there is evidence to show that the extracted element of atb constructions is originated in the first conjunct only 從實證角?上看,有?據表明橫越式?型的成分提取僅起始于第一個并?項而已。

We can ' t develop without your support , we ' re intent on cooperating with you to create our conjunct brilliant career 我們的發展離不開您的支持,熱切希望與您共同合作,共創我們的輝煌事業。

August 22 moon mercury and saturn will be conjunct and opposed to neptune . unconscious or planted fears manifesting 8月22日月亮水星和土星將是相連和反對海王星。不自覺或被種植的恐懼體現。

On january 31 and february 1 , venus will conjunct jupiter in one of the year ' s loveliest annual events 在1月31日和2月1日,金星和木星相會將是一年一度最可愛的事件。