
conjugation n.1.結合(作用),配合。2.【語法】動詞的變化[變位...


Photorefractive phase conjugation , which is one of the most important methods for producing phase conjugation wave , is of potential use in many fields due to its low build - up threshold , high fidelity and high damage threshold , etc . in this thesis , we present a complete research to the characteristics and applications of ce : bati03 self - pumped phase conjugation ( sppc ) 光折變位相共軛具有建立閾值低、保真度高和大損傷閾值等優點,因而具有廣泛的用途。在本論文中,我們針對ce : batio _ 3晶體光折變自泵浦位相共軛器的特性和應用做了全面深入的研究。

So far , the main frame of the conjugation of betrand are established , on the basis of which , it is given that the primary condition the directrix line must be satisfied , the relative curvature of the conjugating surfaces , the relations between non - interventional condition and curvature axle of the directrix line , and so on . the transmission of normal circular - arc gear is a typical bertrand conjugation . in order to promote the transformation from theory to technology , the general principle of this kind of transmission is studied 為了使研究更加貼近于工程,便于解析處理,提出準面的概念,并確立由準面到準線的研究路線,給出了各種傳動形式下準面與準線的具體特征,證明了共軛準面上兩準線的誘導測地曲率等于零的這一不干涉條件,進而指出,當準面為平行軸和相交軸傳動的節曲面時,不干涉條件自然滿足。

A 1 . 5 kb apramycin resistance fragment was inserted into nru i site of aved gene and the inactivated aved gene fragment was then introduced into mcs region of phjl401 - an e . coli / streptomyces shuttle vector with conjugation function ( containing orit gene ) . as a result of above procedures , a recombinant plasmid pid03 was obtained 將1 . 5kb的安普霉素抗性基因片段插入到aved基因中的nrui酶切位點,再將此滅活的aved基因片段插入到具有接合轉移功能(含有orit基因)的鏈霉菌?大腸桿菌穿梭質粒phjl401的多克隆位點區,由此得到重組質粒pid03 。

He could hardly follow her outlining of the work he must do , so amazed was he by her delightful propinquity . but when she began to lay down the importance of conjugation , he forgot all about her . he had never heard of conjugation , and was fascinated by the glimpse he was catching into the tie - ribs of language 她在提綱契領告訴他他該做什么功課時,他幾乎沒聽過去她在他身邊時帶來的陶醉令他驚訝但是在她強調“動詞變化”的重要性時他便把她全忘了他從沒聽說過“動同變化” ,原來它是語言的“骨骨架” ,能窺見這一點叫他很著迷地往書本靠了靠,露絲的頭發便輕拂著他的面頰。

Using the phase conjugation mixer the compact wire antenna with two isolated ports presented in chapter 2 is simulated , and the results show that the antenna can follow the incoming signal with the main beam and has 4 - 8db gain improve against the standard monopole in the incoming signal direction 對本文第二章提出的兩饋電端口的高隔離度線天線的仿真表明,利用相位共軛電子科技大學博士論文混頻器,天線系統能以主波束在0 ’一360 ’的范圍內跟蹤入射波方向,具有一定的方向回溯能力。

The principle , theory , realizing methods for holographic lithography as well as the pattern transfer mechanism among the traditional photomask - hologram mask - resist have been deeply investigated . an experimental system with total inner reflection wavefront conjugation holographic lithography using right angle prism and refractive index matching liquid is designed and built , and the experimental research is carried out 對全息光刻的原理、理論、實現方法及傳統光掩模?全息掩模?抗蝕劑圖形傳遞機理進行了深入的研究,設計和建立了采用直角棱鏡和折射率匹配液的全內反射波前共軛全息光刻實驗系統,進行了實驗研究。

We advance , for the first time to our knowledge , that efficient self - pumped phase conjugation performed with an ceibatioa crystal with low repetition ( lhz - 10hz ) nanosecond pulses from a q - switched nd : yag laser . phase conjugation reflectivity as high as 21 . 5 % were obtained at an incident angle of 50 . 3 首次獲得了低脈沖重復率( 1hz )的調q倍頻nd : yag激光器作用于ce : batio _ 3浙江大學碩士學位論文晶體,產生自泵浦位相共軛( sppc )作用的實驗結果。

In order to facilitate the study of biological function of add gene cluster , e . coli - s . avermitilis intragenus conjugation system was established . in addition , phz2114 for the replacement of the entire add gene cluster and phz2130 for disruption of adda were constructed 建立了除蟲鏈霉菌的接合轉移系統,并構建了用于置換全部基因簇的基因置換質粒phz2114和adda的基因中斷質粒phz2130 ,為研究除蟲鏈霉菌add基因簇的生物學功能奠定了基礎。

Unique and valuable results have been achieved as follows : 1 . through math modal , the relation between the phase conjugation reflective of ce . ' batios and incident angle , incident position were calculated . experiment results are quite accordance with theoretical calculations 入射波長為632 . 8nm時,利用數學模型對位相共軛反射率與入射角度,位相共軛反射率與入射位置關系等進行了理論分析計算,實驗結果與理論計算結果基本符合。

The hard kind involves the conjugation of wily verbs and the science of placing them alongside various other words in order to form such sentences as “ i go him say good afternoon ” and “ no , not to him i no go it him say now 艱難型的法語涉及那些狡猾的動詞的變形,配以對如何把他們和其他各種單詞合理編排的科學認識,才能讓人造得出如下的句子: “我走他說下午好”和“不,不是他我不走它他現在說。 ”

( 2 ) the factors in sbs conjugation fidelity and the methods to measuring fidelity were analyzed . four examples of phase conjugation mirror based on sbs were studied . in addition , a brief analysis of the sbs phase conjugation resonator was achieved ( 2 ) 、討論了影響sbs相位共軛度的因素,分析了相位共軛度的測量方法和幾種基于sbs的相位共軛鏡,并對sbs相位共軛腔做了簡要分析。

This study not only shows the direction of corporate governance culture , but also has a significance to the management of the corporate governance culture and has much reference to the conjugation of culture and institution 本文研究不但為創新型企業的公司治理文化指明了方向,而且對公司治理文化的管理具有指導意義,同時對公司治理制度與公司治理文化的配合具有參考意義。

Results the conjugation rate , high molecular conjugate content of and the antibody titer induced with pneumococcus type 1 conjugate vaccine prepared by cyanogen bromide activation were significantly higher than that by amine reduction 結果采用溴化氰活化法制備的結合物,較胺還原法具有較高的結合率及高分子結合物含量,免疫小鼠產生的抗體效價較胺還原法明顯提高。

The characteristics of competition and coexistence of self - pumped phase conjugation ( sppc ) and mutually pumped phase conjugation ( mppc ) in the photorefractive ( pr ) crystal are studied , with the physical mechanism analyzed 本文研究了光折變晶體內自泵浦相位共軛( sppc )與互泵浦相位共軛( mppc )相互競爭、同時共存的特性,分析了其物理形成機制。

Fully and systematically analyzes resources of enterprise from eight aspects , i . e . , the imaginary and the realistic , the soft and the hard , the latent and the apparent , the negative and the positive by using conjugation analysis method 運用資源的共軛分析方法,從虛實、軟硬、潛顯、負下八個方面全面、系統地分析企業的資源。

This paper is part work of the project “ the conjugation analysis of enterprise resources and study of extension resources ( no010049 ) “ , which is sponsored by guangdong province natural and scientific fund 本論文是參加廣東省自然科學基金資助項目“企業資源的共軛分析與可拓資源研究( 010049 ) ”的部分研究內容。

The quality of an enzyme immunoassays depends very much on the purity of the antigen or hapten used for conjugation , the specificity of the antibody and the choice of a suitable enzyme label 酶免疫分析技術的質量依賴于抗原的純度、抗體的特異性、合適標記酶的選用,其靈敏度取決于標記酶的高度純化和高轉化率。

The transformants were cultivated and the harvested cells were used in the procedure of conjugation by which the recombinant plasmid pid03 and pc05 were introduced into streptomyces avermitilis s - 2 respectively 經過在mym平板上的傳代和抗性標記的篩選分別得到了同源雙交換的菌株aved24和avecg 。

Stimulated brillouin scattering ( sbs ) is considered to “ be an effective approach for phase conjugation ( pc ) and increasing the brightness of solid laser radiation 改善固體激光器光束質量,采用受激布理淵散射( sbs )是一種有效的手段。